Opinions of Friday, 2 June 2023

Columnist: Isaac Asare Poku

Beware of look-alikes!

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It is disheartening for a Medikal prescription to fail someone like a dishonest King's Promise. In some cases, this mishap occurs when an unqualified dispenser, whether a Mrs. or Mr., Drew out the medication without a thorough check. When the outcome is calamitous, it is not easy to get even your fellow black Sheriff, otherwise referred to as the police, to come to your aid.

Meanwhile, this look-alike jumble is not limited to the pharmacy. More often than not, it also happens at home. Many people are reported to have poisoned themselves from toxic substances that resembled their prescribed medicines. Apart from medication, some people ingest other substances that look like food. You would bear me out that one can easily mistake washing powder for milk powder when their containers are similar.

If you have not yet fallen victim to this havoc, you have to be careful because it can also happen to you sooner or later. Eminently, we have to be more cautious of men of God look-alikes whose false works are injurious to our souls. “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them..." (Matthew 7:15‭-‬16).

It is fatal for one to blindly follow a spurious minister of God. This is because when a blind man leads another blind buddy, they will both end up in a ditch (Luke 6:39). And one way to identify these corn men and withdraw from them is to carefully examine their fruit (actions and inactions) in the light of Scriptures.

Evidently, look-alikes can be a thorn in one's flesh. Just as we have to pay keen attention to the inscriptions on the drugs and food we consume so that we are not poisoned, more so, we must be vigilant in our interaction with people who claim to wear the name of God.
