Opinions of Wednesday, 23 August 2006

Columnist: Kufuor, Appiah Danquah

Cocaine Scandal-Our Image On The Line

There is no disputing the fact that the “cocaine scandal” is dominating the news and is in danger of seriously harming the positive image and excellent goodwill that exist between the present Ghanaian government and most Western countries.

For a start: Ghana is not a gateway for cocaine dealers neither is Ghana a South America banana republic. We have a free press, robust Judiciary and a competent legislature that scrutinises, debate and holds the Presidency to order.

The Ghanaian populace must be made aware (100%) that neither the incumbent or any senior member of the ruling government is aware or have been implicated in the cocaine scandal. Moreover, Ghanaians of all shades of opinion can sleep soundly and feel proud that their country is not in danger of becoming a haven for cocaine crooks. However, we can not be complacent as the danger signs are clear for all to see.

Why did the President Speak out?

The main reason for this embarrassing and potential scandalous issue touching the heart of Government leading to the President outburst is simple: He is furious and angry. The calm, cool, gentle President is up in arms and determined to ensure that no stone is unturned to catch the culprits involved.

It may be the case that as the Head of the Ghanaian State he should have kept his cool and calm but what else could he have done. After travelling all the way to the United States awarded a whooping $514 million MCA cash to develop and transform his country – coming back to this damaging issue – what else could he have done?

I met the President in London after his return from USA and the signing of the MCA. He was full of optimism and hope. When he met the Ghanaian Leaders in Belgrave, London he was full of beans- espousing the benefits of the MCA. The delegation including his Press spokesperson and Kwamena Bartels were cock a hoop. For those of us who had worked so hard for the MCA during Mr Applegarth’s term and all the hurdles it was a bright day for Ghana. I understand fully his frustration and his urge to speak out what else could he have done?

Cocaine scandal – Nowhere to Hide

The facts of the missing cocaine are unravelling each day and the personnel involved will have no where to hide. All those found culpable will pay a heavy, a very heavy price to deter future cocaine dealers and get rich crooks. It is nonsense for the Ghanaian Populace to turn on the Police and condemn the whole institution. There are very rotten “apples” in our society and some of them are in the Police Service. Simply it is a reflection of how our values, morals and beliefs have degenerated to “funeralcracy, harvestcracy, outdooringcracy, weddingcracy - all this “crazies” involve huge expenses.

Our society does not give a damn when Customs officers, Bank officials, Police officers, Priests, Bishops, Chiefs, MP’s, build mansions and buy posh cars on their meagre salaries. Instead we invite them as chair persons for functions. A society that measures ones worth in terms of material wealth has no right to condemn. A society that hails and praises rich crooks; greedy public servants; corrupt politicians; contemptible Priests and Bishops; have no right to condemn

Back to the cocaine scandal some of us have paid a heavy price for delving, searching, prying and asking awkward questions to security agencies worldwide. However, it is worth paying the price for the truth and freedom.

I can confidently write and say it loud that President Kufuor and his senior members of Government are seen, perceived and regarded as model African leaders by security agencies round the globe. Like any human being created and made in the image of our Lord Jesus Christ, The President has his faults, I repeat he has his faults but by Jove he is being let down badly by some of his appointees.

The Police Force- Are they that Bad?

I have met, dine, entertain and invited top Policemen/women from Ghana. I paid tribute in this column to David Walenkaki who died last year – he was a fine, dedicated and trusted Police Officer. David was the one who busted the Sefwi murderous thugs.

I had the privilege and opportunity to invite the current Director of CID David Apeatu and the Commanding Officer of the Police College- Ms Joanna Sarpong to Liverpool and Dundee to meet top Police Officers in the UK. I travelled with them to Dundee and other parts of the country meeting and interacting with Senior Police officers discussing ways and means on how the UK could assist Ghana in combating crime. Merseyside Constabulary and other Police Forces were impressed by the intelligence, dedication and commitment of our senior Police Officers. They made me proud – they made all of us proud. Our Police force up until this scandal was seen as a model for Africa. It is heavily represented in Kosovo, Sudan, Liberia and other war torn parts of the world.

Institutional Problems

From the days of Nkrumah to our generation our Police Force has its problems mainly in solving serious crimes. It had its faults in the usual “MTU” petty bribes and harassment of drivers. It had its faults in terms of not being fair to the poor and usually turning a blind eye to white collar crimes. But my word, there are very fine Ghanaian policemen/women who work under very difficult circumstances and do a wonderful job.

As a child our 2community Police officers at Nkawie was excellent. They knew all the young “baddies” including myself and ticked us off from time to time. They informed on us to our parents and give us a good talking to when we commit “community crimes”. I respect, adore and raise my hat our Police men/women at Abuakwa and Nkawie.

I know all of them by name and we still have the cold beer when I am around, they are fine citizens doing a hard job.

The cocaine scandal must be handled very carefully – the culprits must be brought to book. It is a great opportunity for Ghana to show the outside world that no one and I mean one – is above the law. Whoever is caught involved with this shameful and disgraceful act must be punished. Ghanaians are too quick to condemn and judge.

Great Opportunity

It is a fine opportunity for the President to get hold of the security agenda and ensure that the polarisation and diffusion of powers between different agencies is mended. We have the CID, Military Intelligence, BNI, National Security, Castle Security, Navy Intelligence and a whole host of Regional security agencies doing absolutely nothing just meeting to eat kebabs and drink beer. The concentration on coup makers is outdated and irrelevant in this age as no coup government will be accepted by the EEC/US or the UN – period.

I have said on so many occasions and I repeat it here when the curtains are down the only name that history remembers and the only person that history will judge is President John Agyekum Kufuor. No one remembers any past IGP. For us we will continue to ensure that President Kufuor is remembered as a champion of good governance and a strong believer in the rule of law.

For Heavens sake folks do not let the President down.

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