Opinions of Monday, 4 May 2020

Columnist: Pascal Doozie

Coronavirus, a turning point

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Following the declaration of COVID-19 as a Global Pandemic, several interventions throughout the world have been undertaken to stop the spread of the virus. Behavior modifications have become a major aspect as well in a bid to reduce rates of infections.

I’ve been reflecting on the Statistics for a while now and made these observations.

COVID-19 is deadly and for that matter has been declared a Global Pandemic.

About 229, 301 people have died from the virus Globally and roughly over 3 million people are infected after 5 months or more.

Now guess what, on average, 3700 people die EACH DAY from road accidents, totaling approximately 1.35 million deaths each year Globally.

Let’s come home to Ghana. So far, 17 people have died from the virus (with underlining conditions) but it has been the top priority health case in the country consistently for the past 3 months.

In January alone, 222 people perished via Road Accidents and averagely, 6 people continue to die each day from Road accidents.

I agree, this virus is dangerous and must be tackled pragmatically, leaving nothing to chance. That’s the right way to go.

However, why haven’t we as people been able to give the same attention to an even deadlier “Pandemic” in my opinion; ROAD ACCIDENTS?

Why can’t we nib Road Carnage in the bud just like we are earnestly trying to do with COVID-19?

For once, Politicians, state institutions, citizens, both young and old are collectively fighting a common enemy vigorously and in unison. Clearly, we are capable of standing together for a greater good.

Why haven’t we been able to do this for ROAD ACCIDENTS, which takes away a lot of beautiful lives each day in our country?

I hope that after this Pandemic, world leaders and the human race in general will have a totally different approach to Life and the World we live in.

In my country Ghana,

I hope that Governments and all state agencies will provide for its citizenry the best of roads and social amenities just like they are now doing with Healthcare.

I hope that the Police and all other Law Enforcers will carry out their duties as expected and diligently just like they are now doing with ensuring pubs and churches are closed and NO MASKS NO ENTRY.

I hope that Drivers will respect all road safety protocols especially speed limits just like they are now practicing social distancing their Trotros.

I hope that all of us will apply common sense in our dealings and respect the rules and regulations that separate us from Animals just like we are religiously doing with face masks and hand washing.

This is a turning point for the world. We either TAKE IT OR LOSE IT!

-Paschal Doozie (Social Commentator)

facebook: Pascal Larro

Email: kilohtc@gmail.com