Opinions of Wednesday, 8 April 2020

Columnist: Charles Biney

Coronavirus and G5: Two Existential Global Security Threat.

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The misinformation surrounding the deployment of 5G and the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic is as convoluted as is confounding, as all manner of laypersons jump into the fray to offer unscientific and unsubstantiated views on these topics.

Video clips and narratives being dribbled on the net about the fifth generation of wireless communications technologies supporting cellular data networks, 5G keep raging without any sign of abating very soon. From experienced preachers to the average person on the street, bizarre and unscientific assertions are being volleyed into the net with reckless abandon.

Consequently, some cyber fire fighters decided to deploy their accoutrements to the best of their abilities to quench the ravaging inferno of propaganda, lies and half-truths before further damage is done by the arsonist. Their molten lava of ipsedixitisms inundating the net, if unchecked, may leave in its wake pain, havoc, fear, panic, distress and possibly death.

In the scheme of things, all the hullabaloo as regards radio emissions from 5G are superfluous since they are non-ionizing and of very low magnitude. Because of their non-ionizing nature, they don’t hurt the DNA in human cells and are stopped by the skin. Comparatively, TV towers that have been deployed over the years and are still being deployed in and around human dwellings emit more powerful and higher frequency transmissions, but strangely, there aren’t such complaints as far as TV towers are concerned.

Since the bone of contention with 5G has to do with radiation, it is important to point out that the transmission power of a mobile phone antenna of 60 watts hasn’t changed since the early 1990s. From electromagnetic radiation standpoint, the radiation hasn’t changed either.

It is also important to acknowledge the role 5G will play to increase the connectivity speed of internet, potentially allowing everything from self-driving cars to other retail opportunities.

This is the reason why you need not lose sleep over 5G: There are basically two types of 5G radio signals - The “sub6GHz”, which uses radio frequencies that are under 6GHz and the “millimeter wave”, which are 24GHz and above. In China, to where a lot of accusing fingers are pointing, the only type of 5G signals being in used on their networks are the sub-6GHz variety.

What beats the devil out of my mind is, the sub-6GHz radio signals have been used for a huge number of applications all over the world without attracting equal attention as the 5G cell networks. Moreover, all existing 4G cell networks, WiFi, and microwave oven use signals in the sub-6GHz range.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization web sites, ongoing studies have yet to show any link between non-ionizing radiation all forms of radio signals emit - everything from cellphones to TV transmissions to traditional radio signals - and human health. Currently, the information out there is, non-ionizing radiation is a form that doesn’t have the potential to cause atomic-level changes to cells as does X-rays and other more serious forms of radiation if one is exposed to them for long period of time.

My humble advice is, until causality is established between certain diseases and non-ionizing radiations, we should not rush to use the prescriptions the self-acclaimed doctors and pharmacists are spewing out there for radiation poisoning.

Meanwhile, let’s look at COVID-19 for what it is - a viral disease - be it in the natural state or the weaponized brand.

So, until a reliable cure is discovered, continue with the Aromatherapy, drinking hot lemon or lime juice with a little bit of salt and applying shear butter ( “nkuto” in a Ghanaian local language ) on our body as a skin lotion.

Last but not the least, remember our Father above has promised not to leave us nor forsake us, so we must not live in fear. If you are covered with the blood of Jesus, the virus must bore through His protective shield around you before it can touch you, and even, if Corona tries for its lifetime, it can’t get through the epidermal layer of your skin.

For reassurance, I will conclude by saying The International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection concluded in their research that health-related concerns for 5G overall are not a threat.

Charles Biney
Dallas, Texas