Opinions of Tuesday, 31 March 2020

Columnist: Juan David Huertas Ramos, Lecturer

Coronavirus is teaching humanity


It is a fact, COVID-19 has changed human life. Indeed, this disease is the biggest problem that humanity has faced recently. COVID-19 is a global threat because of its lethal and silent power against human beings. A lot of people are telling negative things about this pandemic. Despite that, this article is an invitation to reflect nine lessons of COVID-19.

1st. Humanity hopes scientists and medical researchers find COVID-19’s cure promptly. We can refuse to cooperate, but we have to be aware human life is at risk. Besides, this virus has to be the reason for medical research cooperation. Beyond that, medical science has to improve its methods, procedures, theories, and apparatus for the future, since COVID-19 can be the first stage of a new human pathologies era.

2nd. People are demanding for strategies to tackle COVID threat. That implies Governments have plan economically to overcome COVID-19’s juncture. This crisis is not just about human health, it is about the economy. For this reason, the global population wants leaders instead of spectators.

3rd. COVID-19 is a suggestion to work hand-in-hand for global problems’ solutions. Solidarity can overpower to COVID-19 instead of individual actions by each country. Current time should be the proper moment to build a solidarity and empathy global network. Being as most human problems can be solved according to these principles. Poverty, inequality, unemployment, injustice, insecurity, and terrorism are good examples of this idea.

4th. COVID-19 can be the promoter of enterprises’ changes. It does not imply to dismiss employers. Firms and businesses work as platforms that people use to get their own goals. In the middle of the crisis, smarter managers think outside the box to get creative solutions.

5th. Current days run very fast and anybody has non-option to stop. Unfortunately, social dynamic demands higher speed of everything, but COVID-19 is a mandatory stop. COVID has could detent everything everywhere. It is not a negative aspect because human beings need some pauses to get clarity. What does happen if we take this temporary stop to think about our lives?

6th. Many families have been together because of Covid-19’s confinement. Unfortunately, the family is not today a basal social institution. Regarding that, this confinement can be an opportunity to recover family importance.

7th. According to this crisis, non-developed countries can re-think their economies. Most of those economic systems are specialized on extractive activities despite the environment. Furthermore, non-developed countries have a strong dependence on richer countries. Those countries should focus their effort on developing the agroindustry sector within their borders.

8th. This virus can change the mentality about hygiene relevance. It cannot be restricted to any cultural tradition because social life should consider healthy conditions.

9th. There is possible to think COVID-19 is calling for human awareness. Humanity needs to reflect on its destiny since we have only one option to make better our life. The global population is living chaos because of COVID-19.

All at all, Can contamination and climate change effects to be worse than COVID-19? Are we done to face it? Or, Are we ready to change it?