Opinions of Sunday, 22 March 2020

Columnist: Nana Kwadwo Akwaa

Coronavirus likely to change humans way of life

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The Coronavirus pandemic is a result of the behavioral attitude of humans and the species’ unrepentant attitude to be allowed the freedom to experiment and do whatever pleases their conscience, being and makeup.

Certainly, per the tragedy, the world has found itself in currently, it will serve as a wake-up call and through that prompt the world from today to be more cautious, and start thinking deeply and critically about the allowance and promotion of the unnatural, absurdity and needless scientific experiments under a cruise of promotion of human rights advocacy.

But my only joy is the virus has alerted humans that the enemy is not the other individual or country, but the unforeseen outside the human race, in fact, it has made us more united and has also alerted our sense of a common purpose for survival of the entire human race, and I believe the pandemic will end sooner with a more united human race with a continuous common purpose to battle the unforeseen enemies.

I weep with the world, I weep with all human races across the globe.

May this battle end sooner with the victory against this enemy.

The world will surely overcome and would come out victorious and more refined with our status quo of doing things

Hhhmm, May God be praised always

Nana Kwadwo Akwaa

Member, Critical Thinkers Intl (CTI)