To those of you who are in Ghana and are following the Public Accounts Committee hearings, I say Kudos! Those of you who are in Ghana but have not had the time to watch the proceedings, you must make the time to follow its proceedings. The revelations that are unfolding are very disturbing. For the diaspoas, you must surf Ghanaweb and find the truth for yourselves.
Tuesday was the first day of hearing. The first to appear before the committee on Tuesday was the Tourism Ministry. Officials including Asamoah Boateng who appeared before the committee could not provide receipts to support some financial expenditures of the Ministry. Laid down accounting procedures or principles were flagrantly disregarded willfully. So ‘ROT EXPOSED AT THE MINISTRY OF TOURISM’ was the banner headline for the Daily Graphic.
The next to appear before the committee were officials of the Korle-Bu Teaching hospital, where close to 4 billion cedis was expended on projects without due process. Again, laid down accounting procedures were sidestepped willfully to the benefit of some corrupt officials.
The committee has just completed grilling officials of the Transport Ministry, where the rot may be described as very monumental. It came to light that 5.5 million cedis have been embezzled in that ministry alone. Interestingly, this is the Ministry where the President found it so difficult to accept the resignation of its former Ministers, Richard Aanane, despites allegations of corruption leveled against the man. The excuse of the President was that, the man was doing so well and finding a replacement for him would be very difficult.
Keep your fingers cross whiles the PAC move tortuously to unravel all the rot. I have just been informed that some Ministries are moving heaven and earth to cover some of their shady dealings by removing huge files from their offices in the evening.