Opinions of Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Columnist: E. A. Adu Gyamfi

Creation of the current strain of the coronavirus: What the non-professionals must know

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The COVID-19 pandemic has attracted global inquisitiveness about the origin of the virus, SARS-COV-2, which is the causative agent of this disease. While some scientists believe that the virus was in bats and later entered into humans through pangolins, other scientists speculate that the virus was created in a laboratory and may have been leaked accidentally or intentionally in Wuhan, China. But, are scientists supernatural? How is it possible for them to create a virus? Are they God?

Interestingly, religious leaders have also waded into the controversial origin of this novel virus. Their take is that, the virus originated from the spiritual world. They back their stance with some prophetic utterances that had been previously made regarding this novel pandemic. Such religious hypothesis are beyond scientific validation and confirmation and so I will not venture deep into that. Whatever the case is, if you know numerology, you will understand why in 2002, there was SARS-COV-1 and in 2020, there is now SARS-COV-2. The universe operates on the principle of numbers. If you know, you know. If you don’t know, no problem. Your ignorance or disbelief cannot change the reality of such a principle.

Actually, there are over hundred types of coronaviruses, most of which live in animals such as bats, snakes, pigs, civets and pangolins. Inside these animals, the coronaviruses don’t cause any disease. However, when they enter into humans, they cause respiratory diseases.

Now, if SARS-COV-2 is in animals, and that consumption of such animals led to the entrance of the virus into humans, why is it that humans have been eating these animals for several years but we have not been suffering from this virus all the time?

Why was there an attack from a coronavirus in 2002 and now in 2020? Why was it that in 2002, it started in the month of November and in this current pandemic too, it started in the month of November, all in China? Doesn’t the periodic surfacing of these viruses in humans create the impression that there is a brain behind it? Is it scientists who are behind it or it is spiritual beings who are behind it? Or, do the scientists and the spiritual beings work hand-in-hand to periodically release these dangerous viruses?

If you believe that every living thing on earth was created by God, and that each creation was done on a certain day and for a particular purpose, then you have several questions to answer. You are to tell us the days on which God created viruses, such as the HIV and the coronaviruses, and the rationale behind their creation. If you believe that God did not create these microorganisms to torment humans, then you must prepare your mind to accept the fact that not all living things were directly created by God. Some living things came into existence as a result of certain processes that scientists have been explaining since antiquity. But are these processes natural or artificial? Are they caused by God or by scientists? Don’t worry, just read on.

A detailed laboratory investigation of the genetic make-up of SARS-COV-2 indicates that it is a new virus altogether. It is found in only humans. However, it is genetically similar to the coronaviruses that are in pangolins, just as humans are genetically similar to apes and monkeys. Thus, it is believed that SARS-COV-2 originated from the other coronaviruses in pangolins, just that it changed slightly when it entered into humans.

Scientifically, there are only two definitive ways by which this change could have happened. These are either by mutation or recombination. These two process are the major drivers of evolution. In simple language, evolution is the process whereby new, but slightly different, forms of organisms develop from other organisms.

Every living thing on earth is made up of genes. These genes determine the appearance and behavior of every living thing. The sequences of these genes can change spontaneously during gene expression. Also, they can change when an organism is exposed to mutagens such as radiations and chemicals in the environment. The moment there is a permanent change in the sequence of a gene, the appearance and behavior of that organism change slightly. The permanent change in the genetic sequence of an organism is called a mutation. The genetic sequences, in simple terms, refer to the arrangement of the DNA and RNA bases found in living things.

Mutations often occur as a result of unfavorable environmental conditions so that the organism can still adapt to and survive in that environment. Some organisms are short, but when they experience mutations, they can become tall. Some organisms are weak but when they experience mutations, they can become very strong. Also, some organisms are harmless but when they undergo mutations, they can become harmful. Hence, mutations bring about several changes in organisms. It is because of mutations that some organisms become resistant to certain chemicals and drugs. Some antimalarial drugs are no more effective because the plasmodia that cause the disease have evolved, through mutations. Similarly, some antibiotics are ineffective anymore because the targeted bacteria have evolved.

Mutations often occur naturally. However, scientists can also induce mutations in organisms so as to change the appearance and behavior of those organisms for special purposes. The mutation induced by scientists is popularly termed, genome editing. In the laboratory, a scientist can induce mutation in a plant or an animal to make it more productive, dangerous etc. Such organisms whose genomes have been edited are called Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs). It is because of genome editing that in some countries, such as China, mosquitoes do not transmit malaria.

Recombination is also another way by which new strains of viruses evolve. It occurs when the genetic make-up of two or more different viruses are mixed. When this is done, new viruses with different appearances and behaviors develop. This can occur naturally when two or more different viruses enter into the cell of a host. It can also be done by scientists. In the laboratory, scientists can mix the genetic make-up of two or more viruses so as to create new strains of viruses that can cause dangerous diseases.

When a new organism evolves, as a result of mutation or recombination, it is able to live happily in the environment more than the parent organism. This new organism reproduces and passes its new appearance and behavior to its offspring, which in turn pass these traits to the next generation. Within some few months or years, this new species is established and a special name is given to it.

When a scientist wants to convert a harmless virus into a harmful virus, he only does genome editing or uses the principle of recombination. When scientists do this, we say that they have created a virus. This means that they take an already existing virus and then change the appearance and behavior of that virus. Hence, through genome editing and recombination, scientists can produce very dangerous viruses to torment humans.

Therefore, if SARS-COV-2 was created by scientists, it means that the scientists took an already existing virus and changed its appearance and behavior, through genome editing (mutation) or recombination. It does not mean that the scientists conjured the virus into existence; they are not God.

SARS-COV-2 has just evolved. Scientists are tirelessly investigating whether the evolution of this virus occurred naturally or it was induced by other scientists elsewhere. As we wait patiently for the disclosure of the origin of the virus, bear in mind that evolution is not a satanic concept.

Evolution is a very broad concept. It is not against creation. It is not only about apes becoming human beings. Truly, certain information about evolution are misleading while others are 100% true. Evolution happens around us daily to sustain the universe. If you believe in God, then you will not be wrong to say that God is the force behind the processes of evolution.

E. A. Adu Gyamfi

Email: orkamanyame@gmail.com