Kindly permit me space in your esteemed media to appeal to the people of Dagbon and all peace loving Ghanaians to help the two gates of Dagbon to resolve the differences between them and live peacefully. Peace in Dagbon and all other areas in Ghana is paramount for the development of the entire nation. The absence of peace is underdevelopment, which all men consider the greatest threat to civilization.
It is unfortunate that as non-Dagombas are working tirelessly to restore peace and harmony to Dagbon, we, the Dagombas seem not to prefer peace. We should all understand that, nothing could happen in this world without the approval of the Almighty Allah. With a large percentage of us being Muslims, let us use the Ramadan period as an opportunity to pray that the aftermath of the events of March 25 to 27, 2002 brings prosperity, peace and unity to Dagbon and Ghana as a whole. It is only through our prayers that God can grant us our wishes and of those coming after us. Whatever we do, we should remember that posterity would judge us favourably or unfavourably. We must endeavour to join hands, look ahead and forgive one another for all our mistakes that led to this bizarre situation in which we find ourselves.
I would like to add my voice to the numerous calls that have gone already to the leaders of both the Abudus and Andanis to ensure that their followers do not engage in practices that will fuel the situation and undermine the gains made so far by the government and the team of eminent chiefs working tirelessly to resolve this issue. We must remember that government has equally pressing matters to attend to and Ghanaians will not forgive us if we fail to lean forward for the ‘spirit of peace’ to smile on us. It will amount to diversion of government’s attention to concentrate on our well being at the expense of promoting the socio-economic progression of all Ghanaians. As bitter as it is, we should endeavour to avoid provocative statements, insults and disrespect for our leaders, including the politicians and chiefs who are experiencing sleepless nights to resolve this tragedy.
Press conferences upon press conferences will not help solve the problem. Let us give the government the chance to help bring peace to Dagbon. Politicians should avoid polarizing the issue since it will not benefit any party in the long run as history is there to prove. It may not help the ruling party neither will it help any opposition party. Political parties are formed to formulate alternative policies to the development of this country not to divide any group of people. Dagbon must be seen by all politicians as a unifying force where all parties allow wisdom to prevail barring all political points to score. It is always been the prayer of many good-thinking people that the Almighty Allah does not grant any political party the mandate of the people of Ghana if it is not their intention to foster unity and peace in Dagbon and the entire country as we approach the 2004 Elections.
I want to remind the leaders of the two gates that posterity will not forgive them if they do things that will not promote peace and unity in Dagbon. They should use their wisdom, riches and influence to bring to us good education especially for the girl child and help create jobs for the numerous jobless youth. My humble appeal to the youth of both gates is to join hands to build Dagbon as the future leaders. The elders have acquired what is due them; they have kids, houses, academic credentials, and riches and have almost completed their mission on earth. What have the youth of Dagbon done yet? What academic credentials have we acquired? What will be our future in an unstable area? Don’t we see how the youth in war zones look like? Very soon the elders will step aside and it will be our turn. I doubt if any one of us would want sleepless nights and unstable minds in the future. We must as a matter of urgency channel our brains, energies and resources into productive ventures, which will bring great relief to our people and the nation at large. All Ghanaians are looking up to us to put our house in order for the overall national progress and prosperity.
Please be reminded that, Dagbon cannot boast of good drinking water, descent accommodation, good educational institutions, good roads, hospitals and many other social amenities. We cannot have any of these if we do not leave peacefully and gear our energies towards developing our area. No body can achieve this for us! The solution is in our own hands. The government, prominent chiefs, the security services, NGOs and all other bodies are only helping us. It is time we come together and pray to the Almighty Allah to bring peace to Dagbon. Peace, unity and progress of Dagbon lie right on our doorsteps. When we do not pick them, they walk away leaving behind the consequences which cannot be under-estimated.
“If this write-up in any way hurts anybody, I am pleading to them for forgiveness. I never intend to hurt anybody. As people who believe in Allah, let us pray for peace, unity and prosperity. May Allah cool down tempers, prevent tongues from unguarded statements and grant anyone, who wants to foster peace in Dagbon, the strength, wisdom and courage to do so and for those who think evil for Dagbon, Allah is watching you. May Allah have mercy on us all.”

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