Opinions of Monday, 6 February 2012

Columnist: Dowokpor, William

Democracy Is Not Only About Elections

Progressive People’s Party (PPP) Parliamentary Aspirant for Ayawaso West Wuogon constituency in the Greater Accra Region, William Dowokpor has admonished Ghanaians against the notion that democracy begins and ends with elections only.

While elections, if they are free, fair and transparent are part of the features of democracy and good political governance, William Dowokpor insists that elections alone are not enough to characterize democracy. He said, stewardship, good financial and economic governance practices; and strong accountable institutions are the features when evident in a nation’s governance infrastructure would deliver the benefits of true democracy to all its citizens.

The PPP aspirant was responding to concerns raised by residents of Labawaleshie at a Town Hall meeting on Saturday, that; after queuing for long hours to register and vote politicians in to power on many occasions, the electorate are yet to see the benefits of the exercise in their environment and living conditions.

Residents expressed disappointment at how politicians had taken them for a ride in both constituency and national governance for the past two decades, when in power but reached out to them through surrogate party activists in crafty ways with hand outs to influence and buy their votes during elections.

William Dowokpor, who agreed with the sentiments of the electorate, advised them to persevere in exercising their democratic rights to register and vote. In doing so however, they must be guided by the bitter lessons they have leaned over the years and go for the alternative PPP that would deliver the real change that has eluded them over the years.

He said, the alternative PPP had carefully devised a ten point agenda for governing the country based on good stewardship that will in the shortest possible time, deliver the change Ghanaians can feel in their lives through jobs, quality health care, free compulsory continuous education up to Senior High level and stamping out corruption through strong transparent and accountable institutions.

Sharing his vision for the Ayawaso West constituency with residents, William Dowokpor said he would be a “referendum MP”, involving the constituents in its governance. “I come as the “referendum” MP who will involve you in the decisions and contributions I will make in parliament. We need to get it right this year in Ayawaso West Wuogon or the next four years will continue to be frustrating for all of us” he cautioned. The PPP candidate listed the five main concerns of the constituency as: 1. Reliability in Utility and Public Services 2. Facilitating Jobs for the Youth 3. Accessibility of Higher Education to all 4. Security to Life and Property and 5. Involving Residents in Constituency Governance

The five issues, which he said were of mutual interest to all residents would be tackled through his strong voice in Parliament and the involvement of the constituents in planning and executing constituency programmes in a truly “all inclusive” ways. “When it comes to solving constituency problems, there will be no party considerations under my stewardship as MP. We will involve whoever is prepared and willing to help us secure our mutual constituency interests” he insisted. He advised constituents to stay tuned in to the Electoral Commission’s schedules, to ensure that they get registered in order to be part of the discerning electorate that would bring the real change, the constituency and Ghana need in the next November or December elections. # # #