Opinions of Friday, 27 November 2020

Columnist: Esther Domi

Disastrous Akufo-Addo must not rule Ghana again

President Akufo-Addo President Akufo-Addo

As Ghanaians prepare to go to the polls in a few days to elect the next President of the country, the candidates contesting are going around canvassing for votes through their manifestos.

This morning, I heard one of them, incumbent Nana Akufo-Addo, make a claim at a rally at Amasaman that the presidency is not a place for trial and error where anyone should ask voters to try him and see.

The “try me and see” phrase drew some curiosity about the one making the claim. It is surprising to hear that from Akufo-Addo who was preaching the "try me too" during the 2016 elections. He was the one who went about eating with the poor and patrolling their homes. He told them there is money in Ghana while they were hungry; and claimed he will get them to enjoy the “available money."

However, after getting the mandate from the people, Akufo-Addo became the source of hardship for the very people he deceived to come to power. He attacked viciously the means of living for the people, collapsing several banks, savings and loans institutions and other microfinance and financial institutions in the country.

These are the institutions that hold the economy of the poor who are fighting to make ends meet. For three years Akufo-Addo watched the people wallow in abject poverty by refusing to pay them their locked up funds. He and his government referred to these unfortunate victims of his as reckless and greedy people.

To demonstrate they care less about the people, Akufo-Addo who wants their votes again this year, suddenly found money and declared he was going to pay the locked-up funds of some of the investors.

The questions remained why did the government refuse to pay the people all this while until it needed votes in the upcoming elections? Is it the case that Akufo-Addo is swindling the people once again to fraudulently secure their mandate and turn around to visit his wickedness on them?

Since Akufo-Addo assumed office, several Ghanaians were dismissed from their jobs in the public sector out of sheer vindictiveness. These innocent citizens and their dependents have suffered untold hardships for the entire period of Akufo-Addo’s term in office.

Those whose businesses collapsed as a result of the haphazard financial sector clean-up have not recovered from the shock yet. For close to four years, road contractors have their monies due them locked in government coffers while the government engaged in shoddy road contracts audit costing millions of Cedis with no results.

To add salt to the injuries of these Ghanaians, Akufo-Addo has formed a consortium of sakawa family members who have specialized in corrupt deals through which they siphon state funds into their individual and family pockets.

They are so desperate and shameless in creating and looting state resources with impunity that PDS and Agyapa alone have stashed enough cash to last their unborn generations a lifetime without working.

This is the man who claims he has done well so Ghanaians should not try another candidate. On December 7, the suffering Ghanaians are very likely going to remind Akufo-Addo that he is a liar, wicked, corrupt and inconsiderate by voting against him as revenge.