Opinions of Monday, 20 March 2023

Columnist: Nana Kwadwo Akwaa, Contributor

Disregard video captioned, 'I want to be President because I want to be NPP Flagbearer - Dr. Akoto'

Dr. Owusu Afriyie Akoto Dr. Owusu Afriyie Akoto

A video captioned “I Want to be President because I want to be NPP Flagbearer - Dr. Akoto”, which has received a wide publication by the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), has been chanced on many digital media platforms.

The thirty (30) seconds video excerpt forms part of a one hour one-one recorded video interview between Dr. Owusu Afriyie Akoto and Evans Mensah on Joy News’ PM Express programme on Monday March 13, 2023 at 9:00 pm.

The said video excerpt with an intent to deceive the public, and cause dissatisfaction and disaffection for the personality of the venerable former Minister of Food and Agriculture, Dr. Owusu Afriyie Akoto, the most achieved Agricultural Minister under the 4th Republic of Ghana, has been carefully and mischievously truncated by NDC elements to suit their intended political agenda.

This agenda by the NDC to attempt a smear of the image of Dr. Akoto, and as well, divert attention from the speech delivered by Dr. Akoto, which proffers solutions toward the liberation of Ghana from perpetual economic slavery and through that wean us forever from the claws of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and other foreign manipulations regarding trade, social and financial activities, has become eminent to them (NDC) due to how successful the public lecture was and the huge impact and attention it has attracted among the public and all media platforms across the Country.

Dr. Owusu Afriyie Akoto held a public lecture on his vision and need of becoming the flagbearer of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) and subsequently the President of Ghana at the University of Professional Studies, Accra (UPSA) on Monday March 13, 2023. The theme of the public lecture was 'The Future of the Economy of Ghana.

According to the statement delivered by Dr. Akoto at the public lecture, per his vision, he indicated that, if given the nod to represent the NPP as its flagbearer and subsequently the President of Ghana, he will leverage on the untapped potentials of the agricultural sector by prioritizing it and utilizing it as the economic bedrock for financing the rest of the critical sectors of the Country’s economy such as Health, Industry, Education, infrastructure, among others.

In furtherance, per his speech, through his vision of a prioritization of the Agricultural Sector of the Nation, he indicated that, he will be able to generate between 6 - 12 billion dollars annually from the strengthening of the Tree Crop Development Authority, aside other huge revenue from the would-be proceeds from the Grains Development Authority and an establishment of a Poultry Development Authority and Horticulture Development Authority, in the middle to the long term, at their full development.

He further laid emphasis on seven (7) indicators on which the transformation agenda he seeks for will hinge on, and they are;

Political will

Ghana has to prioritize agricultural transformation at the highest level of government through the implementation of a well-defined vision and strategy.

Governance structure

In addition to the Economic Management Team headed by the Vice President, there shall be a newly created Agricultural Management Team (AMT) chaired by the President to drive agricultural development. The AMT shall comprise seven Agric-related Ministries, namely: Food & Agriculture, Finance, Trade & Industry, Lands & Natural Resources, Transport, Local Government & Rural Development, and Environment, Science, Technology & Innovation.

Supply chain logistics and market access

To improve supply chain logistics and expand market access, infrastructure projects such as feeder roads, hospitals, housing, rural electrification, irrigation, storage will be integral in the agricultural transformation agenda.

Support big data and technology for evidence-based decision making

Significant Investments shall be made in Big data and Technology for precise and evidence-based decision making in partnership with the Private Sector.

Research and development

Funding of research endeavors of the diverse national agricultural research institutions, including the universities, in areas such as agronomy, extension, plant breeding, Integrated soil fertility management (ISFM), integrated pest and disease management (IPDM), post-harvest management (PHM) and climate-smart technologies.

Develop and strengthen both input and output market systems

An establishment of an appropriate regulatory framework to leverage private-sector investment across all sectors and promote the efficient distribution of agro-inputs.

In addition, the regulatory framework will seek to develop platforms for agricultural innovations, output market structures and incentives that allow for the full realization of the value of increased production.

Human development

A comprehensive strategy will be adopted to develop the human capital needed to take innovations to scale, along the entire agricultural commodity value chains.

Further more, during the said interview with Evans Mensah captured in the video, he as well indicated the problems of the Party and in furtherance tabled the measures, vision and policies he intends to put in place to resolve and strengthen the Party and its core base- party’s grassroots, if he is elected as its flagbearer.

The good people of Ghana are therefore humbly being asked to disregard this vile propaganda out rightly, not be swayed by it and treat it with the contempt it rightly deserves.

And that, the good people of Ghana are assured that, Dr. Akoto is focused and will never waver and relent in his quest to present himself to serve the good people of Ghana and through that salvage the Nation from her Economic slavery with his vision of harnessing and prioritizing the agricultural sector for the Nation’s perpetual economic growth and liberation.