Opinions of Saturday, 17 December 2011

Columnist: The Informer

Don’t Take Your Madness To The IGP

Enraged Okyeame Cautions Allotey Jacobs

Folks; I know you are already aware of current development in town, I mean the cocaine-turns- sodium carbonate saga: However, it has always been the norm and standardised practice of our revered scripture union; kindly permit me to throw more light on the issues, and to situate the matter in its proper context, before this Allotey Jacobs character embarks on his useless propaganda against Mr. Paul Tawiah Quaye, the Inspector-General of Police (IGP)

Before I advance, let me briefly touch on some issues concerning that egg-headed Kennedy Agyepong, as to how he, on daily basis continue to saturate the airwaves with all manner of unrefined pronouncements in his practice and understanding as a politicians.

Thinking that this country belongs to him, the good-for-nothing Member of Parliament (MP) for the Assin North Constituency has persistently verbally assaulted his political opponents with the use of unprocessed languages in an attempt to explain himself anytime he comes under some kind of scrutiny from his adversaries; and I think the devil in him must be exorcised now! One would think that as loud-mouthed as he is, he will do same in Parliament to contribute meaningfully, to proceedings as a lawmaker, instead of wasting his energy on radio insulting people.

In fact, checks from the Parliamentary Hansard have revealed, and it will blow one’s mind that, he has not made any single statement on contribution to any debate in the house, apart from the normal “hear, hear” sound.

Okyeame is not in anyway holding breath for Mr. Alfred Woyome, as regards whatever his problem is with low profiled NPP MP, but the fact of the matter is that, as someone who believes in sanity and strongly upholds the cultural norms of this country, people like Kennedy Agyepong must be shown their ‘smoothness level’, and this I will do without fear of negation.

Whatever issue he thinks he has with Woyome, they both should settle it and not plunge the name of this country into disrepute like they did in their eight (8) years of managing the affairs of this country, virtually turning the noble country into a cocaine coast.

To be honest , folks, I will expose this brat calling himself MP, of all his scandals, if he dares open his soggy mouth again, to insult, or more or less threaten anybody in this country; and I swear he will regret the very moment he was conceived by the mother.

In fact, I pity the people of Assin North, for their MP is as useless as waste material, who is very silent in Parliament, but earsplitting outside, making all sorts of useless noise and spewing filthy things about those far above him. Now to Mr. Allotey Jacobs, I think this should be your first and last to raise your voice and vomit rot about the Inspector-General of Police (IGP), Mr. Paul Tawiah Quaye, to the extent of saying that, he should be relieved of his post. I mean, you should never and ever open your watery mouth to say such a thing about the IGP again, or else, you will face my wrath; and I will not stop at anything to take you to the cleaners.

What do you mean by that stupid statement and the unwarranted attack on the Chief Constable, only for you to call people later to plead on your behalf? Listen and listen carefully; for the fact that you get the opportunity to speak on radio does not in anyway, give you the bravado to be passing silly comments about people: And this should the last time I hear you attacking any appointee of this regime in a matter that you have no idea and, are totally ignorant about.

If you are sensible enough, you shouldn’t have done what you did, because one does not cut the hand that feeds him/her, and I believe you know this. I have dossier on you and I know you are aware of what I am talking about. Why didn’t you wait to hear the police version of what had transpired in this cocaine saga before jumping into conclusion?

This is what every sensible person would have done and that is why I think you have not been fair to the IGP and the Police Service in entirety.

I admired your strength as a disciple of the Better Ghana Agenda, but I will advise that you tread cautiously on matters that you are ignorant of, and the next time you repeat this, I promise, you will go into ‘exile’.

In fact, you have already caused the harm, so never call anybody to plead on your behalf; and I can assure you that you will go hungry for the rest of your live.
