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Opinions of Saturday, 6 July 2024

Columnist: Hamza Mohammed Sheriff

Economic scenario of Ghana: A case for Ghanaians to judge before Election 2024

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Ghana is shrouded in a dark cloud of economic despair, devoid of effective measures and policies to uplift its citizens into a brighter future of sustainable prosperity.

The current administration’s policies and reforms, spearheaded by Akuffo-Addo and Bawumia, have failed to break the vicious cycle of poverty and instead exacerbated the economic woes of the ordinary citizen.

The stark reality on the ground bellies the governments’ assurances of a thriving economy, as the average person struggles to make ends meet amidst mounting economic pressure. The disconnect between the government rhetoric and the people's harsh reality is stark, casting a bleak outlook for the nation's future.

A meticulous examination of the reforms reveals a stark truth that caters exclusively to a select few within the corridors of power, squandering taxpayer’s money. This blatant disregard for the masses has led to widespread disillusionment and a profound sense of disconnection among Ghanaians.

The lofty promises of the Akuffo-Addo and Bawumia to create utopian Ghana have been exposed as empty rhetoric, as the economy lies in shambles. I vehemently question the New Patriotic Party’s Claims of Patriotism when they act with impunity, disregarding the suffering of the people.

What is patriotic about neglecting the duty to create jobs for the Youth, perpetuating a bloated government, and misallocating resources that could uplift thousands from poverty?

The current administration's actions are a far cry from true patriotism, which demands selfless services to the nation and its people.

Ghanaians must recall how this administration, from 2017 to date, has orchestrated the revocation of hundreds of microfinance and microcredit licenses, including the prominent UT bank, citing insolvency as the reason.

This decision has left thousands of citizens, particularly youth, jobless, with many still struggling to recover. A true visionary leader, committed to creating jobs and stabilizing the economy, would have opted for salvage measures like recapitalization, restructuring, mergers, and acquisitions, Coupled with effective regulatory support, this approach would have prevented job losses, protected depositors' funds, maintained financial stability, and fostered economic growth. Unfortunately, the current state of the economy is alarming, and this trend must be halted.

Our only hope lies in voting out the current administration and sending the elephant back to the bush.

In conclusion, Ghanaians are facing unprecedented economic hardship due to high interest rates and depreciating currency, leading to skyrocketing prices and widespread business failure, in this dire situation, low-income families are struggling to survive, with a monthly expenditure of GHS 2000-3500 for a family of four.

As the election approaches, we must make informed decisions. We must choose a leader who genuinely listens, promotes equality with experience, is committed to creating jobs, reviving the economy, and guiding Ghana toward Sustainable Development.

Let us vote wisely, considering our current standard of living and the unbearable hardships we face. Together we can shape a brighter future for Ghana.