Opinions of Monday, 15 September 2014

Columnist: Sam, Leo R.

Edusei Foundation: Worthy Of Emulation

By Leo R. Sam

Congratulations personally to Dr. Kwame Bawuah Edusei and also to the members on the board of management of the foundation for undertaking the progressive project of building the International Centre in Bekwai, Ghana.

Ghana definitely needs innovative projects of this nature to bring about real progress in the country. Our total dependence on only the Government to initiate projects of this nature is very unhealthy. Private foundations and other wealthy Ghanaians should emulate the example set by the Edusei Foundation.

“The international Centre consists of a huge multipurpose conference Hall, computer labs, library, museum, seminar auditoriums with full audiovisual equipment, twelve classrooms, science laboratories, thirty hostel rooms with bath and other amenities, restaurant, and stores all to help create an ideal environment for our goals. The estimated jobs that would be created as a result of the centre number well into the hundreds.”

It would be very encouraging for the public relations officer on the board of management to inform all Ghanaians about the progress of the project. I am sure many patriotic Ghanaians will be interested in knowing the expected completion date of the project.

As a young boy in Obuasi in the 1940’s, I enjoyed going to Bekwai at the beginning of the School year to purchase some of our textbooks in “Egremont Bookshop”. I will definitely make a trip to Bekwai to see “The International Centre”. I am sure it will really promote the whole area.

It is also known that the foundation has made significant donations to the following institutions in Ghana: Catholic Father’s Children’s Home in Takoradi ( Western Region ) Missionaries of Charity Children’s Home in Mbrom, Kumsai ( Ashanti Region ) Osu Children’s Home ( Greater Accra Region ) Nananom Education Fund ( Western Region ) Catholic Charities of Ghana to support work in the Central, Brong Ahafo, Northern, Upper West and Upper East Regions. Hopefully the Catholic Charities will also support projects in the Volta region. “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” It is estimated that Ghana has got one or possibly two billionaires. It is estimated that at least ten Ghanaians are worth more than $500 million U. S. each. The wealth is hidden from the public. Oversea financial institutions are the beneficiaries of this wealth. Let us all pray and hope that the example set by the Edusei Foundation will trigger the conscience of these super-rich Ghanaians to consider investing their money in projects, which will help alleviate the poor sanitation problems in Ghana.

Some of the billionaires in the world including Bill Gates and Warren Buffett have formed a club known as “ THE GIVING PLEDGE ”. “Membership comes with just two requirements: You must be worth at least a billion dollars and be willing to give half of that away”.

This club is now making a significant difference in the world. It has donated towards many causes. It recently donated $50 million to help fight the Ebola crisis. Is it possible for the multi-million dollar Ghanaians to form a “GIVING PLEDGE” club? It is suggested that the two requirements be: You must be worth at least two million dollars and be willing to give just 10% of that away.

A club of this nature will definitely have enough funds to undertake major development projects such as building a first class all weather road from Kumasi to Accra. Users of the road should be made to understand that the road needs to be maintained and so toll payments must be charged. Many Ghanaians still need to be taught that nothing is free under the sun. One must be prepared to pay for whatever one enjoys.

Nhyira nka nea obenya bi na woama me bi edi ( Blessed be the person, who gets some food and passes a little bit on to me ).

Which of our millionaires will initiate the process of forming : “The Ghana Giving Pledge Club” ?

Over to you !!! Lucky Ghanaian millionaires. God Bless Ghana.

Leo R. Sam Edmonton, Alberta Canada lsam@interbaun.com