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Opinions of Monday, 23 September 2024

Columnist: Iddrisu Abdul Hakeem

Election 2024: ‘Unfair balloting’ as the last EC's rigging by Jean Mensa

Jean Mensa Jean Mensa

Fellow Ghanaians, it is only a fool who is happy because his dog is chasing and trying to hunt an elephant. I suppose we aren’t going to be that fool!
Please, pardon my French and profanity as I unfold today’s epistle with what many may consider to be unguarded vulgar!

It was our folks of old who said, that “if the truth is in the private part of your mother and you reach out to it with your own private part as her son, you are not a “motherfucker” but a seeker of truth.

Make no mistake, a chicken that pecks at the boy-in-the-boat (clitoris) of a toddler has no right to be annoyed if the toddler didn't complain despite the sensation of the peck.

Ghanaians cannot afford to greenlight the New Patriotic Party and Dr. Bawumia again to jam us another tomorrow with mouthwatering promises with another cutthroat and disastrous economic consequences in the end as we have just witnessed.

Say what you deem fit, it's often out of mercy, fairness, and justice, to resort to war or vandalism and even terrorism. Fellow Ghanaians, we simply can't look on as mere citizens of "too many chiefs and not enough Indians" and allow the current "ghetto boys and girls" of the misguided NPP, who have infiltrated our state institutions, to reduce Ghana to a mere caricature and Banana republic because of one man’s avaricious greed!

Like Michelle Obama, the former first Lady of the USA recently said at this year’s DNC, “try to do something!” It’s high time we do something by resisting the temptation to stand akimbo in the name of “I don’t have anything to do with politics.”

You may not have anything to do with politics but politics has everything to do with you. If you compare the prices of a bag of rice and a gallon of cooking oil today to 2016, you will appreciate how politics has everything to do with you.

Meanwhile, the architects and engineers of the present economic disaster want to scapegoat innocents for their colossal failure. They are crying more than rest of us despite being the direct beneficiaries of our current doom and gloom.
DATA Bank probably continues to enjoy and feed fat on the misery and drudgery of Ghanaians due to government’s reckless borrowing!

Nonetheless, fellow hungry and wailing Ghanaians, the result of the recent quasi electoral outcome from the balloting of the presidential candidates, has given many citizens of political clairvoyance a great sigh of relief! There’s certainly light at the end of the tunnel which we are fast approaching if we aren’t there already.

The Number 8 position chosen by former President Mahama has an astrological destiny number almost equal to his own astrological destiny number. Of course, this may not matter because what God has ordained, no man can asunder!

Although the EC from all indication rigged the balloting in favor of the NPP, the “number one” position given Bawumia was as tragic as the rigging of the 2020 election for Akufo Addo which turned out to be a colossal disgrace when the economy spiraled out of control!

True, if Akufo Addo had not tampered with the 2020 election, this economic nightmare would have been probably happening under Mahama, and Akufo Addo would have been immortalized in Ghana’s political history as the Mandela and Nkrumah combined. But greed and bitterness caused him that accolade.

The story of Yusuf (Joseph) and his two co-prisoners' dreams which they later claimed was only an expensive joke poked to test Joseph's dreams interpretation capability in the Holy Qur'an, is a point of reflection and attitudinal rehabilitation in all this ballot rigging brouhaha.

Joseph was gifted the knowledge of dreams interpretation where he could tell what the meaning of every dream was about pre his prophet-hood. While serving a wrongful prison sentence, he shared sleeping space with other two prisoners who noticed unusual capabilities of his. Joseph could predict the kind of food to be given them and who will bring it and whether it may taste delicious or otherwise.

One day, his co-prisoners told him of their dreams they saw in the previous night and wanted an interpretation. The first person said he saw in a dream and he was serving alcohol to the king; and the other friend said he saw birds eating food from his head he was carrying.

Yusuf then answered them with their interpretations, saying, "as for the one who saw himself serving a king alcohol, he would soon be removed and sent to the King to be serving drinks.

But as for the one who saw birds eating from his head carrying food, he will soon be crucified and birds will eat from the content of his skull as carcass.

Immediately, the second friend retorted he never saw such a dream but only wanted to test Joseph's dreams interpretation prowess. Joseph then replied, "that interpretation I have given you has been stamped, sealed, and documented!" It shall come to pass!

Apparently, the balloting for the presidential candidates' positions conducted by the EC, did not reflect honesty, fairness and justice. In the last election in 2020, the New Patriotic Party and the incumbent president surprisingly picked number one (#1) position amidst red flags of unfairness and complete gerrymandering of the balloting raised. And yet again, this year 2024, NPP managed to secure another “number one” position. What an incredible coincidence if it is.

However this outcome may have been manipulated or not, whether it reflected fairness and truth or otherwise, choosing “number one” position this time around is like the dream of Joseph's second dreaming friend in the prison! Whether it was to test his dream interpretational skill or not, the outcome shall be disastrous!

Recall after the vetting of the flagbearers of the NPP, I challenged the results Dr. Bawumia garnered, and insisted it was manufactured by the vetting committee. Find the said article below:

My thesis was simply that, with the comatose state of the economy engineered by the same man as the Chairman of the Economic Management Team (EMT), it was impossible for him to perform better in a vetting that bothered on the same economy he has run aground.

As a result of that cheat, Dr. Bawumia was placed last on the “number ten” (#10) position. A classic case of the first shall become the last, and the last shall become the first. Kennedy Agyapong who was scored 61.3 and placed at the bottom, obtained the “number one” (#1) position on the ballot paper instead.

I then went ahead to predict that, the contest was not between Alan and Bawumia, but Kennedy Agyapong and Bawumia largely because of their birth circumstances which gave them that destiny contest. However, I also indicated that, for Kennedy to have come first already before the actual contest by winning the ballot contest, Dr. Bawumia may win the flagbearership contest which will spell doom for the NPP in the 2024 presidential election.

I cited that, only Kennedy Agyapong could help the NPP break the eight. For Dr. Bawumia has been messed up by Akufo Addo and evil malams of the NPP, and also for “hiding” his identity of birth which Kennedy never shies away from: an identity which gave the duo the cutting edge over the rest of the flagbearer contestants.

In this election, however, the EC may play an electoral gooseberry as a well known bedfellow of the ruling party and Akufo Addo in particular. However, with the battle being between Mahama and Bawumia, and the latter has already picked up the “number one” position, like Kennedy Agyapong did which constituted his premature victory and paved the way for Bawumia’s victory in the actual contest, Bawumia has also won his premature victory already by coming first with the outcome of the balloting. In Sha Allah. And the actual contest shall be won by John Dramani Mahama.

What is most interesting is the “number eight” (#8) president Mahama and the NDC has chosen. As pointed out earlier, it was a clear gift from Allah, considering the fact that the battle has been over the “number eight”.

That is, whether the NPP can "break the 8" or the NDC will protect the 8 from breaking. And God has chosen to entrust the 8 in the care and protection of the NDC in order that they may decide whether the NPP should break it or not?

The reality is, unless the NDC chooses to allow the NPP "break the 8", the NPP can't and would never be able to do it. But the NDC can willingly in their collective stupidity dashes the 8 out for the NDC to smash.

Symbolically, by being made the "number eighth" candidate, the destiny of not only the NDC has been given to John Dramani Mahama by God, but also the destiny of the country, to jealously guard and protect.

Aside the fact that rigging or winning the “number one” position by Dr. Bawumia depicts his victory in the presidential election being won prematurely already before the election, that position, first or one on the ballot, also exposes him as the economic devil and pothole Ghanaians must see clearly and dodge on the election day.

It's out of the mercy of God to bring to our intention what would harm us in full glare. It is also out of the compassion of God to make man struggle a bit in order to find what is good. As a result, one must dig to find gold but a cow dung is placed where you can clearly see it in order to avoid it. Hence, the number 8th position for Mahama, and number one position for Bawumia!

Personally, I must confess, that the outcome of the balloting results has brought me relief, and every forward-thinking Ghanaian must rejoice. It means that, the silent tears of the masses have not been shed in vain.

And that, Allah the most Merciful, Most Compassionate, has not forsaken Ghanaians. It means that, every supplication of supplicants to deliver Ghana from the appalling economic mess, has not remained unheard by God.
There’s HOPE!