Opinions of Friday, 13 December 2024

Columnist: Jonathan Mensah

Elections prophecies in Ghana; are there prophets today?

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War,famine, disease,mistreatment of the poor,earthquakes,injustices,corrupt political leaders anger and divisiveness.These are not words taken from today’s most recent headlines but rather they are all things that the Old Testament prophets experienced.

The term prophet refers to an inspired person who believes that he has been sent by his god with a message to tell. He is in that sense, the mouthpiece of his god.In a broader sense, the word can refer to anybody who utters the will of a deity,often ascertained through visions,dreams, or casting of lots.In Christian religion,prophecy can be defined as a divinely inspired revelation or interpretation.

The biblical role of a prophet has been to teach the people. The list of those individuals God called specifically to be prophets ended with a John the Baptist.When Jesus was anointed with the Holy Spirit during His Baptism,Jesus took His place as prophet supreme.God speaks to us through the scriptures when we read the Bible but God does not provide new revelations to prophets today. The final revelation has come to us in Jesus Christ. We find that recorded for us in the New Testament, which completes the Scriptures.

Therefore we don’t need prophets today because we have the scriptures. The Bible says that Jesus Christ represents the fullness of God’s divine revelation and so there will be no more prophets to give public revelation after Him.There may be seers but there will be no more public revelation or a prophet like Elijah.

During an election season there are pollsters who conduct opinion polls.These are not prophets or seers.A pollster is a person who surveys voters to find out who they are voting for or to gather other information about their opinions.It is the job of a pollster to ask people their opinion on a subject as part of a poll.Pollsters use samples from the public to determine election results.An organisation is needed to oversee the polls, and particularly the pollsters in a general election atmosphere.For example the,manner of the question and the timing of the ballot are devices understood by public opinion pollsters.

Opinion pollsters investigate the population generally. They knock on doors and ask whether people are on the register,but they do not check the register.Often,pollsters attempt to predict the outcome of an election by polling people either before they vote or just afterwards. The prophets who are claiming that they know the outcome of the election results are wrong.

When we study prophecy in the scriptures, we learn a great many important facts about Jesus Christ,such as who He is,when He would come,the season for His return, and what He will do when He comes again.As December moves forward,many Christians will be thinking about the miracle of the coming of Jesus Christ. This is the time of year when many are confronted in a variety of ways with the good news of the coming of the saviour of humanity.

December therefore,is a wonderful time to brush up on the Bible prophecy so that we are knowledgeable when sharing the Messiah with our families, friends,the lost and the lonely.With the birth of Jesus Christ,many Biblical prophecies were fulfilled.For example,Isaiah prophesied that a virgin young woman will give birth to the promised one (Isaiah 7:14).This prophecy was fulfilled (Luke 1:26-31).Isaiah prophesied that Jesus Christ would come as a baby (Isaiah 9:6)

For unto us a child is born,unto us a son is given, and the government will be on His shoulders.And He will be called Wonderful Counselor,Mighty God,Everlasting Father,Prince of Peace.Luke 2:1-20 explained the fulfilment of the prophecy.Just like in the days of the birth of Jesus Christ,when many people were eagerly anticipating the coming of Jesus Christ,today we look forward to the return of Jesus Christ,Perhaps,one day we shall see the fulfilment of another prophecy yet to come.

May I take this opportunity to wish you a season full of Yuletide cheer and may the beauty of the holidays warm your spirits.

Jonathan Mensah London United Kingdom