Opinions of Thursday, 31 December 2015

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

End of Year Advice to Asantehene

As it is traditional for us to wish one another Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year amid individuals making New Year's resolutions, I should like to make a necessary addition. What is that additional thing I plan to do, one may ask? It is nothing other than advice that may be needed by those who have to be advised in order to mend their ways for the better.

Subsequently, I shall impart some helpful knowledge in the form of advice to our Dear Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, knowing that my overflowing fountain of wisdom is open to anyone seeking to satisfy their quest for wisdom or searching for appropriate means to extricate themselves from some web of problems in which they are unfortunately needlessly entangled.

From the Kumawu chieftaincy dispute of which I am abundantly knowledgeable or resourceful by the grace of God, I have come to conclude, judging from the facts and evidence before me and in the public domain that Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II needs not only useful guidance but also, tactical encouragement to free himself from the disgrace in which he is absolutely engulfed.

Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, be it known to you today that it is said, "It does not belong to he who is leading to redirect their steps" – (nea ore twa ekwan no, onnim se nakyire akyea). You have intentionally or inadvertently committed a lot of blunders in your public life as the Ceremonial Head, or the wrongly presumed Overlord, of the Ashanti Confederacy or Asanteman. You have assumed certain powers and functions that are normally beyond your scope of traditional and constitutional prerogatives as the King of Asanteman. This is perfectly exemplified by your assumption of authority over Kumawuman to capably impose an Omanhene on them or to order for the destoolment of their sub-chiefs.

Since the existence of Kumawu from the formation of the Ashanti Confederacy through to the dissolution of the confederacy in 1896 and its restoration in 1935, no Asantehene has sought to, let alone, meddled selfishly needlessly in the affairs of Kumawuman – imposing a paramount chief on them or destooling their sub-chiefs against the wish of the majority of the people except you. This is a great traditional blunder to be caused by any sitting or dead Asantehene. Such a blunder comes with curses upon the head of whoever causes it hence the quagmire of insults and loss of respect in which you currently find yourself.

To err is human. Take it that you never knew you had no right and still do have no right to dubiously involve yourself in the Kumawu chieftaincy dispute as you have contrary done. Once your sphere of operations as the Asantehene has been indicated to you, what do you do if you discover yourself to have gone beyond the boundaries of that sphere into the surrounding tempestuous waters? Will you try to retreat or you will prefer to get stalled in the waters or even progress further into its swirling depths where any later decision to retreat will either be impossible or come at a great cost?

You made a request to the then, and still, litigating Kumawu royals (Ananangyas, Odumases - on one side and the Ankaases – on the other) to allow you to resolve their differences when the stool dispute had barely started with one or two cases pending against Kumawuhemaa Abenaa Serwaah Amponsah in the court. You clearly stated to them that you have no right to intervene in Kumawu affairs unless they themselves allowed you to. Did you not make this clear to them? Be an honest judge yourself today. They accorded you the respect and then withdrew the cases from the court in the hope that you would judiciously settle their litigation. Little did they know you were going to be authoritatively biased? They did not know you will be usurping control of their birth-right to prejudicially decide the case in favour of Kumawuhemaa, your once alleged Sweetheart. The reading public can check the following web link to ascertain the truth watching the YouTube video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ac8wZIPlVu8

I warned you in most of my previous publications, citing the conventions and evidences in place, and the infractions you were committing. However, you chose to ignore them because you felt in your mind's eye that Ghana is still a total monarchy with you as the King hence you can commit any criminal act with impunity. Did this false perception not lead you to declare in a YouTube video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OyOnlURv7Ys) that you are above the laws of Ghana? Nevertheless, a Mampong High Court Judge, a judge of demonstrable integrity who believes in the prevalence of justice as a prelude to peace in Ghana, has confirmed my assertions about Asantehene regarding their standing and exercise of traditional powers within Asanteman. They are not Overlords with unlimited powers to do as they want when they want. They are simply Kumasimanhene with additional duty as Ceremonial Heads of Asanteman with limited powers. They have no right to encroach on the lands and stools of other States (aman) within Asanteman.

It takes a man to swallow his pride to say sorry. Anyone who ignorantly or arrogantly persists in their waywardness even though they may have been pointed to the correct path and manners, is not worthy of respect but condemnation. Anyone who regardless of their elevated status in society does acknowledge their mistakes once they become aware of, and subsequently apologises to the offended party by remorsefully saying, "I am sorry", earns the offended person's respect for the remorse shown.

As respect is earned but not commanded, I shall only advise Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II to try to refrain from most of his actions that are seen as offensive if not criminal, hence costing him the respect of his own Ashanti subjects. He can only regain his lost respect by doing the right things, thus, decoupling himself from the Kumawu chieftaincy dispute and that "yen ntie obiaa" Ghana politics.

Kumawuman abounds in wise and fearless persons who have by the strength of God volunteered themselves to the cause of saving Kumawuman and her resources from the hands of rogues who in pursuance of their insatiable greediness are determined to rewrite the history of Kumawuman to suit their selfish agenda.

Otumfuo Osei Tutu II must be very mindful of his actions as God has Himself taken charge of the Kumawu Stool dispute. God will determine the case in His own time and according to his designations and purpose regardless of any backdoor dealings that Otumfuo and his cronies or accomplices will involve themselves in.

Contacting President Mahama or the Chief Justice to intervene to sway court verdicts in his favour as might have previously happened or intended will be a far cry in the wake of Anas Aremeyaw Anas' revelations of chronic judicial corruption in Ghana. It is only true justice that will prevail but not one falsely declared in favour of one following the "give and take" offer of bribe.

I am scared that if Otumfuo Osei Tutu II does not refrain from his corrupt practices, conniving to impose ineligible "royals" as chiefs on the people of certain divisions in Asanteman, it is not only the respect for him that will erode away but also, the eventual disintegration of Asanteman or his eventual removal from the Golden Stool. Some divisions that feel grossly cheated or abused may decide to pull out of Asanteman as done by Atebubu a few years ago, or the chiefs who desire to see Asanteman continue to exist will rally to get rid of him if they conclude he is a stumbling block. He can mark my words on the part of the wall where rain never touches.

Some people may think it is impossible or untraditional to suggest that an Asantehene can be removed from power and that their position as Asantehene is for life. No, it isn't. An Asantehene is not insulated by any tradition against removal from office if he is found to have grossly misbehaved himself.

Otumfuo Nana Kusi Oboadum who ruled from 1750 to 1764 was forced to abdicate. Osei Kwame Panyin - 1777 to 1803 (Forced to abdicate). Otumfuo Nana Kofi Karikari - 28 May 1867 to 26 October 1874 (Forced to abdicate) and Otumfuo Nana Mensa Bonsu (also forced to abdicate).

Anyway, on Wednesday 23 December 2015, a day after the decisive verdict declared by the Mampong court in favour of the alleged destooled Kumawu sub-chiefs (Nana Akwamuhene, Nana Aduanahene, Nana Nsumankwaahene and Nana Akyempenhene), Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II went to Drobonso through Kumawu. What did he go to Kumawuman to do; to visit his farms or what? Whatever he went there to do, his fate in the Kumawu stool dispute has been decided and sealed by God. The only thing that can save him from total disgrace is to steer himself clear from, or pull out of, his involvement in the case and then publicly apologise to the offended parties (Ananangyas and Odumnases) and the entire Kumawuman citizens for causing them unnecessary worries by faking his unlimited powers.

A word to the wise is enough.

Rockson Adofo
(Written on Saturday 26 December 2015)