Opinions of Monday, 24 June 2013

Columnist: Innocent, Ivan Kyei

Enemies of Democracy

Freedom of speech,expression and opinion are exclusive and unrestricted
prerogative of every nation that seeks to champion the course of democracy
and Ghana is no exception, over the years,the kind of democratic pace Ghana
has set has indeed won global admiration.Our governance system is seen
primarily as an indispensable means of establishing and promoting certain
universally recognized values,such as right to freedom of expression,right
to hear and to be heard, right to have unhampered opinion on issues and
right to freedom of expression of dissent views.
Though framers of our constitution opted multi party system which
guarentees freedom of expression that thrives on expression of divergent
views but on the contrary,the posturing of the NPP in this current
democratic dispensation is indeed quiet excruciating and worrisome.The
overwhelming intolerance of dissent views in a broader perspective speaks
negative about this country and its democracy.
Though extracts from the history of the party in question,speak voluminous
about how their founding fathers fought against expression of divergent
views and the numerous attempt made to assassinate other political
ideologies which in their thought,was a veritable threat to their
political parochial gains but l thought those trivial and outmoded sense
of reasoning had died with their damning past but l was wrong afterall.
With such precedents ,it serves children of history no surprise to learn on
the current chastisement of card bearing members of the party who are in
disagreement with the current leadership on issues bothering the party.
The chasing out of Charles Wireko Brobbey,a founding father of the NPP for
disagreeing with the party on matters relating to the petition,which seeks
to vitiate legitimate votes is a clearer indication justifying the topic
under deliberation.
The current sense of open radicalism and extremism encircling the NPP
coupled with the damning strategy of employing miscreants who thrive on
the use of invective and abusive languages in addressing competent and
intelligent minds,who form the "core pillars" of the party is a direct slap
on the face of multi-party democracy,a veritable tool likely to rob the
tagged crest of democracy the party is purportedly known for,which some of
us never believed per the retrospective analysis done to justify.It is
quiet incomprehensible that some elements worthy of emulation in the NPP
would countenance such an irresponsible conducts coming from both current
leadership and the youth wing of the party,a posturing which inflicts
dishonour on the integrity,the image and the ideological values
representing the party. Internal party democracy is subjected to massive
disruption and the liberty of it's members are being dragged into the
mud-gutters unless they are trying to revive the old days their ancestors
where best brains like Dr.Nkrumah were forced to be expunged from the good
books of the UGCC when it became evident that his intelligence far
outweighed that of the entire composition of the Danquah-Busiah tradition.
The NPP over the years, parades as the apostles of democracy which is a
complete deceit of ordinary intelligence with regards to the previous and
current threat of eviction hanging on dissent minds.
The real identity of the party is gradually coming naked. The prominent
figures who disagree with the party on issues are being chased with dogs of
vandalism and death.The most unfortunate aspect of this trivial
chastisement is that, it does not bother on the substance of the issues
raised by some of these key elements but rather their personalities and
loyalty to the party are trampled with impunity and slander,a racorous
situation that mars internal politics of relations.
Dr.Authur Kennedy in his book titled "chasing the elephant into the
bush",factors which he thought led to the NPP's abysmal performance in the
2008 general elections were unequivocally discussed to guide to the party
to avert similar future occurrence but instead his personality was exposed
to slander,tongue lashing and was subsequently seen as an enemy within.
Out of sheer recalcitrance,Nana Addo was inevitably humiliated by his NDC
counterpart, John Mahama in the 2012 elections,amidst of utter shock, the
NPP were moved by some figured circumstances to appear before the supreme
court to challenge the validity of Mahama's declaration as president,
though it's their constitutional right, under article 64, it bears an
indented mark of desperation and still remains a mission of futility.
Several persons have come under severe vilifications for making public
declarations of their utter dissatisfaction with the ongoing petition at
the supreme court and hence a panic-stricken situation is created which
intends to scare others from expressing similar sentiments on the petition
and on other issues.The thought provoking question that springs to mind is
quiet simple, where is the internal party democracry in the NPP? Dr.
Charles Wireko Brobbey,Kwame Mpianim, Dr.Authur Kennedy and several others
are victims of such vile circumstances.
In my candid opinion, the entire leadership must agree with the school of
thought that suggests that legitimate exchanges of dialogue must proceed
without obstruction or coercion from any quarters.
To protect the rights of members, expression of dissent views,the right to
protest against ill-directives coming from the top brass of the party must
not be frown at any level but rather be tolerated because such are the
impetus needed to build a better Ghana. Good leaders must not riled up
because members disagree with them on matters which bothers on collective
I think l may not be wrong to harbour the suspicion that until the current
situation of ranking resentment in the party is addressed ,being in
opposition remains the singular option.

From; Ivan Kyei Innocent / 0206262717.
Email: nanakyei81@gmai.com
