Opinions of Monday, 21 August 2023

Columnist: Bismark Kwabla Kpobi

Escalation of mental health implications if ECOWAS stand by forces to invade Niger for war (Part 1)

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Ghana as a country is yet to find permanent funding for its mental health activities. It has been over several months since the last insufficient antipsychotics (drugs for treating mental illnesses) were provided to the various mental health units and hospitals.

As for logistics, nothing good to write home about yet our ECOWAS leaders are deliberately planning to add more cases to the already under-resourced and less catered-for health sector by endangering our young soldiers who will be sent to be maimed, slaughtered, killed, and some cases disabled with contemporary mass destruction ammunitions (nuclear weapons)?

It is an unwise decision to take bloody military actions against a military coup that recorded no death with over 90% support from the citizens of the Niger Republic.

When I saw the Nigerian Chief of Defence Staff ranting at their two days Heads of Military Chiefs meeting at Burma Camp in Ghana that they are ready and will ensure Niger is brought back to the constitutional regime, I laughed uncontrollably.

Do you know why? It is because those ECOWAS leaders are not going to be at the forefront of the war when it breaks borders, rather, their greed and selfish interest are how much their shares will be in the multi-million dollar budgets that the invisible super powers will be giving them behind the scenes.

Those ECOWAS leaders will be home calculating their allowances of dollars so long as the military banter last in Niger; if any of them tells you that they want to take action against Niger for the good of ECOWAS, look deep into their nostrils and the truth will be revealed to you.

None of those so-called ECOWAS leaders is a youth and their interest is not about the future of the African continent but their selfish interest of amassing wealth for their families with European promises and privileges that the masses won't be told about.

Why the pressure on ECOWAS leaders and the desperation to fight their immediate brothers whose only crime is that they saved their country from French suppression and lootings??

Is ECOWAS aware of the traumatic experiences that the families of this military personnel that will be sent to Niger to be truncated for their greedy and selfish gluttonous appetite for dollars from Europe??

Ghanaians must not allow their president Nana Addo to send our brothers in the military to be vulnerable in the hands of missiles from Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso, Russia, and many allies who will join the war.

The budget of $ 1 million daily for this military action must rather be channeled into better uses, especially our mental health treatment in Africa.