Opinions of Sunday, 9 August 2015

Columnist: Damptey, Daniel Danquah

Even the air we breathe has not escaped the wickedness of President Mahama.

The policies that are being foisted on Ghanaians cannot be said to be anything but incongruous and inconsequential. The President appears confused as if he had just emerged from outer space. But why won’t he be when he has surrounded himself with greedy bastards and babies with sharp teeth whose avowed aim is to plunge the nation further down the deep blue sea just like it happened to the Malaysian Airline which disappeared from the skies nearly 17 months ago.
I am at great pains as it dawns on me that Mahama’s Government appears to be the worst form of government that has ever emerged on the surface of the earth since creation. What do we compare this government with? No word in any dictionary, either ancient or modern can be found to describe it.

The fact of the matter is that the President is sick, his government and appointees are also sick and it is this debris that is gradually seeping through the pores of the entity called Ghana. But what do we do to such a government if we want to survive and leave a better legacy for our off springs? We have to terminate the social contract we have entered into with this incompetent and sadistic government. Even here, I have to state that the so-called social contract was obtained under duress.
The President, who is the “Commander in thief” and his acolytes know that if we were to engage in an open, free and fair election, there was no way Ghanaians would give their mandate to him. If a fair assessment were to be made of his presidency, he would go down in history as someone who right from his infancy “plotted” on how to become the “commander in thief” of his country. But power is one thing John Dramani Mahama cannot utilize well for the benefit of the less unfortunate citizens in his fiefdom if even top officials from the IMF, The USA, THE Western and the Eastern World and the Asian Tigers come to give him tutorials free of charge. The Babies with Sharp Teeth and the Greedy Bastard would ensure that he remains a “dullard” as he has always been. Even if the President of the Gay Movement doles out billion of dollars to bail him out of the economic mess he has plunged himself and the country into, the monies would still grow wings and disappear into thin air just as the “akomfems” “guinea fowls” disappeared to Burkina Faso.

And you call this a pragmatic government full of competent people? I shudder to think what would become of this country by the end of the year!
Why is it that anytime we talk of a bloated register, the Nefarious Destructive Cancer jumps in to defend the Commission charged with conducting elections in the country? Doesn’t the Electoral Commission have people who are paid to defend or speak on its behalf? Who appointed Kofi Adams, Asiedu Nketiah and others to speak on the EC’s behalf? The other day I heard Kofi Adams making and infantile and incongruous argument on why the census figures could not be relied on because a lot of people were not counted. He also said the voters register was sacrosanct because people voluntarily went to polling stations to register. Such line of argument could only come fro those I refer to as educated illiterate. If Kofi Adams, with all his education and the travails he went through when he was suspended by his political party for working against the re-election of the late President could utter his mouth and foul the air we all are breathing, then I make bold to say emphatically that he is an educated illiterate and should purge himself of that contempt before he could be reckon with as a decent5 and patriotic politician and Ghanaian. Even my five year old daughter would not condescend to that level to make such a useless argument.

Who gazetted and published the census figures after so many months of waiting? The President who is the leader of Kofi Adams own contraption! And what is Kofi Adams suggesting here? That the census figures could not be relied upon? And it is these census figures which Kofi Adams is disputing that his own government is using to plan the future development of the country! Kofi Adams saw nothing wrong when the late President who was the leader of his political contraption flew back to the country to spend the census night in the country only to fly out the following day to continue his trip. Was that not causing financial loss to the State? Yet Kofi Adams says the figures could not be relied upon! Has he forgotten that it was the census figures the Electoral Commission used to create more constituencies few weeks to the 2012 General Elections!!

If Kofi Adams is cock sure that the census figures are bloated, he should advise the President and his NDC government to annul it and order a new one. And what is Government saying about the effusions of Kofi Adams and his “think alikes” who are hell bent on destabilizing the apple cart?

What message is he sending out to the international world? That we cannot conduct a simple census many years after independence! But I am not surprised because disaster has dogged every single policy initiated by the Nefarious Destructive Cancer since it regained power a little over seven years ago. Who will not agree with the proponents of the notion that this “Commander in thief” and his acolytes are cursed?
And that is the reason why once again I state with emphasis that the White man should once again come and rule the county. Are we independent? I don’t think so! What message are we sending to the outside world when we ask the IMF to come and teach us how to manage our economy? What about asking the white man to come and build houses for our security services. You see my Nigerian fiends have a saying which goes like this: “cunny man dies, cunny man bury am” and that was what happened in the STX issue. The monies paid up front as insurance and other nitty gritty have gone into people pockets and nobody is saying anything about it.

Let a new voters register be put in place and let’s see how the NDC and its leader, President John Dramani Mahama will fare. If they are not careful, even their “partner in crime” Akua Donkor will beat them. If they doubt my assertion, let them drop their objections and see how they will fare.

I don’t understand the NDC when it comes to labour issues. It is the only political party that has enjoyed the goodwill of organized labour. When the NPP lost the 2008 Presidential Elections, the outgoing President Kufuor instructed that the Single Spine Salary Scale be implemented. But the Trade Union Congress sympathised with the incoming government by putting the new Salary Scale on hold for one whole year. Does this in any way show any deep seated antagonism with the NDC Government? Definitely not!

The NDC’s impasse with the Medical Doctors has opened my eyes to many things. One, it has exposed the Mahama administration as a visionless, uninformed, misinformed, unreliable, uncouth, deceptive, incompetent, sadistic, and incompetent and cantankerous government of. Its insatiable greed and lust for power is second to none in the country. It is a government full of mediocrities. Whom do we compare it with? Never in the history of mankind have we had such an incompetent government whose members are full of themselves that they have no regard for any other person.

Take the posture of the President? Just take a look at his facial expression and language when he created the erroneous impression before the general public that doctors are the most insensitive people in the country/ His stance on the matter portrays him as being arrogant like Rehoboam in the Holy Bible. Does he have to add fuel to an already volatile situation?

What is the crime of the Doctors? They are only asking that their conditions of Service be spelled out on black and white. And if you ask an applicant how much he would like to earn during an interview, he will quote a higher amount. It is for the employer to decide or negotiate with the applicant how much he would be paid. So the fact that the Doctors have quoted certain figures does not mean that they should be given such amount. It is subject to negotiations. And that is what negotiation is all about. It is not to paint the other party black in order to score political point.

The President’s stance has put a seal on the negotiations. He is saying that “I am in charge. You cannot stampede me into taking action on your grievances. You can go to hell, for all I care”. The doctors have exhibited a high sense of maturity and patience. Some organizations would have pulled out of the negotiations after the President had delivered his fatwa.

While commending the medical doctors for exhibiting such a high sense of maturity, we cannot say same of the advisers of the President. They should not be given any award in their life time for commonsense. They should rather be sacked from their plush positions and if possible be sent to the concentration camp in Siberia if it still exists.

Before I conclude, let me state here that it sounds stupid for some NDC Commentators to make reference to certain things which happened during the Kufuor’s administration anytime they find themselves pressed against the wall.
If the Kufuor Government did something bad (in some cases those bad deeds and policies are not buttressed by facts), does it mean that the NDC should also do same and plunge the country down the abyss? Need we remind those notorious commentators that it was because of the “dos” and “donts” that the NPP was booted out of power? Therefore it is stupidity at its height for the NDC to go on that tangent and put the blame squarely on Kufuor and the NPP for having blazed that trail.

I know that the NPP under Our Decisive President in Waiting, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo has learnt its lesson and that by the Grace of God, if it is given the mandate by Ghanaians to govern at the centre, it will not go the way of the NDC. It will rescue Ghanaians from Mahama’s chosen path will only lead us to Golgotha and Armageddon. Ghanaians deserve better than that. Nana leads and we follow. Canaan is our destination.

Even the Air we breathe has not escaped the wrath of this cruel, corrupt, demonic, deviant, divisive, incompetent, uninformed, uncaring, sadistic, visionless, unfriendly and cantankerous John Dramani Mahama’s government. Buy President Mahama and get corruption free in addition.
I shallreturn.

Daniel Danquah Damptey (0243715297)
(Self Appointed Special Aide to Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo)