Opinions of Saturday, 30 January 2010

Columnist: Daily Searchlight

Face Of A Liar!

Alex Segbefia- Face Of A Liar!

A desperate Deputy Chief of Staff, Mr. Alex Segbefia last week claimed that he was in possession of a text message from a member of staff of the Daily Searchlight demanding money from him in order to kill a story.

However, in depth investigations conducted by the Daily Searchlight indicates that Mr. Segbefia is telling a rank lie!

Reacting on various radio stations to a publication carried by the Daily Searchlight last week that he was spending hundreds of millions of cedis renovating his father’s bungalow at Tesano in Accra, just months after being appointed Minister, Mr. Segbefia alleged that a reporter with this newspaper, Kwadwo Yeboah BREMAN, had sent him a text message demanding money to kill the story.

However, checks conducted by this newspaper, and further corroborated by copies of the text message in question, indicate clearly that there was no demand for monies for the story to be killed as claimed by Mr. Segbefia.

In the text message in question, Mr. Breman had written, “the investigation team has decided to kill the story based on security implication ur house may have if we made known ur house to the public domain. Thank u sir.”

Speaking on various radio stations on Friday in reaction to a news item on the front page of this newspaper titled ‘ANOTHER MINISTER FINGERED…Alex Segbefia Blowing Hundreds Of Millions On Renovations!’ Mr. Segbefia claimed that the reporter had demanded money from him by this text message.

“The reporter wanted money to kill the story and I have a text message to that effect,” Mr. Segbefia claimed.

Checks by this newspaper however reveal that he lied!

(Below, we repeat the initial publication).


…Blowing Hundreds Of Millions On Renovations! By Kwadwo Yeboah BREMAN, Investigative Reporter

The sudden discovery of great wealth by some members of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) has manifested itself once again in the office of the President!

Someone is blowing hundreds of Millions of cedis on the current residence of the Deputy Chief of Staff Mr. Alex Segbefia.

The old house in which he lives, which has not seen any renovations for decades, is completely new look with very modern fittings at huge cost!

But whilst information available to this newspaper indicates that it is the National Security set-up that is splurging on Segbefia’s residence, the Deputy Chief of staff insists that he is paying every pesewa out of his own pocket!

So far, the Daily Searchlight can reveal that deep throat sources within the National Security set-up are insisting that the funds for the renovation of the old building, which is located at Tesano in Accra, are coming from state coffers, since Mr. Segbefia is living in his private accommodation instead of a state one and requires fitting accommodation.

However, Mr. Segbefia says that all the money that is being spent on the building which has not seen renovation for decades is his own!

The building has received additions to the main structure, a new high-rise wall, new electrical fittings at a cost of over three hundred million old cedis, central air-conditioning, new gates and others!

The building is a private facility, and this newspaper has learned that it belongs to Segbefia’s father. It is behind Degeorgia Motors at Tesano.

A resident in the area where the mansion is located vented his utter surprise and said, “The people who promised to have come for the poor are now proud owners of houses including a 23-year-old Vice-President’s Aide, John Jinapor, Eric Opoku, and Madam Ama Benyiwa Doe.”

Meanwhile about six (6) policemen have been detailed to provide security for the house at the expense of the taxpayer! Again, new police quarters, which are at the lintel level, would soon be completed so as to house them (police).

When this reporter spoke to the Deputy Chief of Staff at his office to clarify the allegations being made about the National Security spending hundred of millions on his private property, Alex Segbefia denied the allegation and said the money is coming from his own sources and challenged anybody to provide receipts and any evidence to nail him down that the state is funding the renovation or that it is the National Security which is behind the works.

Mr. Alex Segbefia also said that it is true that he is renovating a house belonging to his father.

“I have worked and stayed abroad, to be specific in the UK for many years and how is it that I cannot renovate my father’s property? I know my detractors are on my nerves again because of Carl Wilson saga,” the Deputy Chief of Staff fumed.
