Opinions of Saturday, 11 May 2019

Columnist: Linda Mireku

For the love of mothers

Linda Mireku, Senior Communications Officer at Stratcomm Africa Linda Mireku, Senior Communications Officer at Stratcomm Africa

It’s that time of the year when the whole country goes gleeful for this special occasion. This Sunday May 12, Ghanaians will go all out and loud in marking mother’s day to celebrate all mothers and motherhood.

The day has gained so much prominence over the years because of the extraordinary role mother’s play in the lives of their children, family, society and the nation as a whole.

For social media, the craze of photos of individuals with their moms will trend between 24-48hours. There will surely be captivating and touching captions that will leave you in tears. You’re the best mom! This is to say I love you! Mom is special; I can’t thank you enough for all you have done for me.

There will be competitions by brands to celebrate and rewards mothers. Spiritually, we will see special service and prayers offered to our mothers.

“Why all these for mothers”? They are special! Mothers are God’s best creations because of their caring, giving and their sacrificing nature, and always putting others needs before theirs.

Let’s start with the home, when we were young, they feed, clothe and kept us safe and healthy. Their ability to multi-task is beyond reason. Their ability to carry out more than one task is exemplary. Making sure the home is well kept, while going through the daily grind to make a living to support the financial needs of the home.

For our emotional wellbeing, moms give us a lot of time and attention. They do whatever they have to, to make us happy. At times, we see moms limit their own needs just to make sure we are good and stable. In our low and darkest moments trust that they will always be there to encourage and lift you up.

When no one believes in us, moms constantly encourage us to break barriers and to be extraordinary. They push us to believe in ourselves that we are capable of achieving anything we set our minds to achieve.

Sweet mother, who can ever take your place? You are deeply rooted in our hearts. You are our biggest hero. Continue to play the huge roles in our lives. It’s no wonder the day is celebrated with so much fuss!

No matter what we do, what mistakes we make, your love for us never go down. It is unconditional! And so on this Mother’s Day, the world would like to acknowledge and thank all mothers. We wish everyone a happy Mother’s Days!