Opinions of Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Columnist: Brako-Powers, Kwabena

From Cramp to Inheritance – There Is Always A Way Opening.

By: Kwabena Brako-Powers
I thought to myself as I walked through the cold weather of Accra. Is life going to be any better? Are things the way they’re supposed to be? Will the breakthrough ever come? Then I saw the gaze of answers smiling towards my direction. The visible of all of them read “you’re wired for greatness”. Really? How am I wired for greatness? And if true when is this greatness going to manifest? It’s easy to lose one’s sense of humor when faced with trying moments. Life was not designed to be unilinear. Absolutely nothing in this life remains in one direction. As man courses and follows the twists and turns of the road in his ambition to reach his destination so is life. In the same fashion the notes of the hymn book cascades up and down so is the masterful creation LIFE.
You’re not where you hoped to be [Everyone knows?]. The situation you’re in has crippled and evacuated the vitality inside of you exposing you to the cold barrage of shame, embarrassment, disappointment and disgrace [So what?]. Then sorrow is granted entrance into your life [which you allowed]. Ever after, your eyes never stopped shedding tears whenever you reflect on your life and where you’re heading [it’s your choosing]. Later, the thought of ending it all becomes poignant and whisking it out of your mind leads to a task in futility. Suddenly, you begin to despise gatherings and cherished to be left alone. You begin to whisper to yourself “I want to end it all. Why won’t I?”, “why me [insert your name]?”, “I’ve had enough trouble already”, “I’ve become a laughing stock among my friends” [seriously?]. Really? Have you? And you think by ending “it all” your life will be any better? Or you’re going to be rich sporadically? Man gives attention to thoughts of suicide and failure when s/he has little information about who s/he is. What you don’t know doubles your steps into your grave.
Scripture recounts that God created man [insert your name here] in His image. Is anything too hard for Him? Is nothing possible for God? Does God fail in whatever he sets out to do? You don’t know yourself well. You don’t know you’re part of that intelligence that’s responsible for creation? You don’t know God has given you the divine pass into the land of “all things are possible”? Oh! You don’t…you don’t…you don’t…. [insert all the things you don’t know]
Know this: You’re wired for greatness. The sperm that fertilized the egg in the womb of your mother knew nothing about limitation. It was all perfect and had a good timing. The embryo then, now you is still limitless and perfect. Your situation could be better if you let it know who you’re in the realm of creation. You’re not ordinary. The thread of UNCOMMON FAVOR, RICHES, PROSPERITY, DIVINE HEALTH AND SUCCESS has been wired into your make-up—it is who you are. They’re within your reach. You’re not a beggar in this life. Life was not given to you for it to be sadistic and joy sucker. You only need to confess and internalized the self-belief. Let the “false-self” know the “authentic-self”. Make them your personal creed. Recite these creeds.
I’m a creator of my world and a co-creator with the universe in what I become.
I am genius in my own right and can do everything right.
I am a believer and a member of the world of possibilities. Everything is possible for me.
The right people to help me out of my challenges are right here and will show up at the right time.
I believe in you. And you must same. Remember nothing is ever worse than the absence of knowledge about oneself—one’s limitless possibilities. You have inherited success so make use of it.