Opinions of Monday, 24 February 2020

Columnist: Manasseh Azure

GETFund saga: Manasseh Azure writes letter to NDC foot soldiers

Manasseh Azure Awuni Manasseh Azure Awuni

Dear NDC foot soldiers,

I have seen and read your disappointment that, under your beloved NDC, some top NPP politicians were given state scholarships under questionable circumstances.

What you need to know is that the practice is mutual. There are some very top NDC politicians who are today getting fat contracts under the NPP regime. Some of them are praying hard that the NDC does not win or return to power. Some of them are sometimes seen on TV pretending to be fighting for you. If you want to understand them, buy a ticket to Uncle Ebo Whyte's show and watch the characters.

It is called acting.

There are also some top NPP politicians who are praying for Akufo-Addo to lose because their bread will be better buttered in an NDC administration than under their own party. Do you know that some top NPP politicians took money from some top NDC politicians to campaign against the NDC in 2016? In 2020, there will be a reverse.


Don't kill yourselves down there. At the top, it's much different. There's nothing wrong in being a political ball boy or girl, but you need to understand the game. You can follow partisan politics, but do so with your brains. Work hard and put God's plans for you to good use.

You and your descendants may never get a scholarship to Harvard, but you can help them live decent lives with your brains and sweat. You can break the vicious cycle of poverty if you don't spend your entire life helping others to perpetuate the virtuous circle of privilege.

It may not be your fault that you're spending your entire life singing the praise of someone who may not better than you. But it will be an indictment on you if your children and the generations after you will have to sell their conscience, swallow their pride and sing the praises of the children of the men and women whose asses you're kissing in order to survive.

Don't tie your destiny to your political party. Get a life. Get a career before jumping into the frenzied political arena.

May God grant you the grace to understand this game better so that nothing will surprise you anymore.

A few paragraph to the wise foot soldier, they say, is more than enough. You may not like the messenger, but don't ignore the message.

Yours sincerely,

Manasseh Azure Awuni.
