Opinions of Tuesday, 10 January 2006

Columnist: Bobo, L. K.

Ghana Telecom In Shambles

My comment is on Ghana telecom.

Referring to its reliability, I will say that it is rather a shamble. I have a fixed line phone which has been high jacked for more than two years now in east Adenta in Accra. Despite the fact that I have lodged a complaint, the management has not yet made any attempt to return the line to my phone. A promise to investigate never materialized. Somebody else is using the line which is not being paid for. How can the system be viable to be able to help the economy of the nation?

There are a lot of Ghanaians abroad who are willing to help the country's economy but some of the people in the Ghana telecom authority are too comfortable in their high chairs with their fat salaries that they don't care what the future holds for the country.

Without a reliable telecommunication system, it is very difficult to conduct any efficient business from abroad with people in the country in order to help employment and the economy to prosper. It would be helpful if the minister of communication would take a close look at the performance of the Ghana telecom management so as to get them off their comfortable chairs to do something effective to help the improvement of the economy.

I am still waiting for the day they will make the effort to return the high jacked line to my telephone.

(Madina Accra telecom management) wake up and do your duty for your country.

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