Opinions of Saturday, 25 June 2005

Columnist: Abdul-Rahman

Ghana, What is wrong? A rejoinder.

The writer of the above titled article is fundamentally right in stating that investment is good for the advancement and development of any nation. He is also right in mentioning that the best way of financing business is through "debt". Suffice it to say that Ghanaians will be happy if a good and viable business proposal could attract the attention and support of our financial institions. But to dismiss the whole "Hotel Kuffour" saga based on these assumptions amount to nothing, but begging the questions and inconsistences surrounding the whole hotel issue. All of us will be happy if the hotel belongs to Chief Kuffour and not his father "the President". For if anything at all, he is going to creat jobs for Ghanaians. Hovever, that is not the end of the story. A woman by name Madam Yajzi claimed she negotiated the buying of the hotel, and that contrary to what our government officials have been telling us, the President and not his son bought the hotel. She further alleged that the President is using his son as disguise. The woman is no other person than the former advisor of the government. If the hotel is not for the President, what was the advisor to his government doing at negociations to purchase the hotel. Furthermore, she was at the meetings with Chief Kuffour, the son of the President. What is more the fact that the woman was invloved in the hotel saga was collabrated by our government officials, including the NPP menber of parliament who was given the power of attorney to sell building. This was what concerned many Ghanaians, including myself. Chief Kuffour, like any Ghanaian reserve the right transact business. However, we should be careful not confuse Kuffours with anyother Ghanaian. They are the first family, and their actions and inactions are in the interest of the nation, hence they could be scrutinized by the public. It is in the public interest to know what happened and did not in the hotel saga, espercially when our president is implicated in them. This is important to avoid any conflict of interest on the part of the presidency. There are more questions than answers in the hotel issue. The earlier the President come clean the better for his image, legacy, and that of his government. The dismissive assumption of the writer is therefore wrong on all counts. It is dead wrong to assume that Chief Kuffour was transacting business and Ghanaian should not ask questions.

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