Opinions of Thursday, 14 November 2019

Columnist: Charles Yeboah

Ghana should exit from the Africa Union

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Nkrumah was and is still awesome.

But, it'll take another Nkrumah, a true leader to preach and achieve Africa Unity/United. You know, even he couldn't achieve that.

Our African leaders could easily be bought and puppeteer by their paymasters, the neocolonialists. History tells us more about that.

It took the disagreement between Nkrumah and Julius Nyerere to render Africa United a stillbirth. It took the disunity between JB Danquah and Nkrumah to leave Ghana a now malnourished orphaned adult who had a promising beginning.

If Africa can unite, we must unite our political views and make it African centered for giant strides in our march to progress.

We must relegate to the background our shrewish nature of being bossy over those we think we're superior than. The dubious and fraudulent nature of some of our neighbours, some régimes, political leaders and their pursuits makes it almost impossible for us to unite, pull our resources together for a Commonwealth.

Britain saw how they stand to lose in their marriage with the European Union, they've opted out, Ghana can pick a leaf from this watershed political chapter. The future gains of Britain in this radical decision taken is a test case for all progressive societies.

When we surmount such hurdles, winning over what will derail our progress in a united Africa, then Africa can unite. But, without which, let's build Ghana to the envy of our neighbours, they who like our way of doing things will Pilgrim in to learn our ways, and crown Ghana the pinnacle of Africa's Renaissance and Unity.

Let's build our own first, before we look outside.

Written by: Charles Yeboah (Sir Lord)

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