Opinions of Thursday, 28 November 2019

Columnist: Joel Savage

Ghanaian politicians, before you boast of efficiency, read this

The Finance Minister, Ken Ofori Atta and Minister of Education, Matthew Opoku Prempeh The Finance Minister, Ken Ofori Atta and Minister of Education, Matthew Opoku Prempeh

About Africa, Europeans often say whatever that happens on that continent doesn’t occur in the developed world. This sounds underestimating and discriminating but this statement has nothing but the truth.

In most of the African countries, including Ghana, there is a lack of intelligence and maturity in daily official managements, including politics. Whenever I read the Ghanaian newspapers, it baffles me a lot to realize that after over six decades of independence, politicians still don’t actually know what to do.

Comparing European politics to that of Africa, it worth to see how from generation to generation, politicians or political parties do more than requested for the population, just to give them the comfort to live like any normal human being, whether rich or poor, yet such efforts don’t exist in Ghana.

In Europe, both the low and high-come workers can afford to buy a house or a car and pay monthly. That's the reason both the cleaner and the engineer have a place to lay their heads or own cars. Thus, the names of political parties or politicians don't matter to the people.

But since in Ghana, what inspires a politician is corruption, to enrich himself and put families in key positions, while the suffering masses depend on the NDC and NPP for salvation.

The judiciary system of Ghana is so bad and corrupt to the extent that those holding key positions and traditional chiefs take it as an opportunity to break the law with impunity. That's the reason a piece of land is sold multiple times to innocent buyers and still taking place in a country that attained independence over six decades ago.

There is no country on earth that can be categorized as developed if someone has to die because he has no money to visit the hospital, therefore, Ghana is a bad country.

In Europe or for example, Belgium, Antwerp is a small city, yet has over ten hospitals serving various communities. Accra is bigger than Antwerp, but the city can't boast of such a number of hospitals.

The ambulance service works non-stop, as soon as something happens to someone, whether in the house or anywhere, as soon as you call, you'll see the ambulance at the front of your door within few minutes.

Apart from that they also have an ambulance taking of animals, yet in Ghana, many hospitals have no ambulance.

Since the dirty environments brew diseases, healthy and clean environments are priorities of concern to the European governments, yet the Ghanaian government doesn't care to create a healthy environment throughout the cities.

Many places in Accra stinks and if you are not strong enough the filth alone one sees around the cities, including the Makola market, will let you vomit immediately. The choked debris gutters, spray out unbearable odour, at the same time brewing mosquitoes.

Instead of cleaning the environment to promote tourism and to reduce the malaria infection and deaths in the country, the Ghanaian government prefers to buy foreign malaria vaccines they are not even sure of to inject the population.

Sometimes I wonder if the Ghanaian government lacks knowledge or simply supporting the US government in a clandenstine depopulation in the country.

Because it doesn't make sense at all to ignore such horrible poor drainage systems and filthy environments killing the Ghanaian population, yet the government prefers to buy malaria vaccines.

Therefore, before any Ghanaian politician, such as Ken Ofori Attah, the Finance Minister, boasts of efficiency in the government of NPP or the Minister of Education, Matthew Opoku Prempeh, who claims “Not even Nkrumah can match what NPP has done in the educational sector of Ghana," they must first visit all the countries of the foreign missions and embassies in Ghana if they will see those filthy environments of Ghana in those countries.

Ghana is a sick country, probably the most corruptible country, after Nigeria but only a few people know about this because they coverup their crimes from the view of the public.

Ghanaian politicians don't steal money for themselves alone but also to finance their girlfriends. Most of their girlfriends drive expensive cars they can never afford in their whole lifetime.

The NDC at the moment is fighting to return to power, while the NPP fights to retain power but the truth is they are not doing this for the people, just to enrich themselves.

Even though the NDC executed many projects in the country than the NPP, most of the politicians are poor and desperate, since they have no more chance to loot, while NPP thinks it's now their time to loot. That is what Ghanaian politics mean.

The situation in Ghana has become worse because a section of the population that finds it hard to swallow the truth will rather attack you but weather an attack or not no one can stop the truth.

There is maturity in Ghanaian politics but those at home can't see this better than those in the Diaspora. Ghanaian politicians are embarrassing us. Please, stop riding in these expensive cars because you don't deserve it, moreover, that will not help or improve the economy of the country.

Instead, dwell on planning, honesty, intelligence, and efficiency to build Ghana. Free the mind of the innocent poor Ghanaians that for years their lives have taken an ugly turn with the notorious impact of NDC and NPP corruption syndrome.