Opinions of Saturday, 24 April 2010

Columnist: The Royal Enoch

Ghanaians: A People Brainwashed

This white fellow, who also happens to be my neighbor, told me that if you want a Blackman to worship you just tell him that you're Jesus. As funny as this may sound, I believe, this couldn't be further from the truth. Black people, in fact, have so much love for Jesus than the White people, who introduced them to this mythical figure. The many erected churches on the African continent bear testimony to this love. To tell the truth, I am not a Christian. I was raised up, though, in the Christian Faith. I had my baptism in the Anglican church, when I was about six or seven years of age. Like most Ghanaians, my Sunday mornings were usually spent in the church praising Jesus. I would sing, dance, and shout hallelujah. Honestly, the church was more like a discotheque to me. It was fun, you see. Also, one thing that struck me on every occasion was the neatly dressed Anglican priest, who would recite certain things in the Latin language. Often at times, I wondered if his congregation understood what he was mumbling about in Latin. Mind you, his congregation consisted of people, who barely spoke English--let alone understand Latin.

One, of course, couldn't attend church without remembering one's wallet. You see, forgetting your wallet is something that you just didn't do. Not that Jesus would've mind. It's just that you wouldn't feel comfortable, when they pass the offering plate in front of you without you dropping a pesewa in it. Everybody would be looking at you as if you're broke--even if you are. I remember several occasions on these Sunday church gatherings, when the pastor would call upon on his congregation for more tithes and offerings. "Dig deep into your pockets," he would say. "For Jesus loves the generous giver." "Remember what the Lord has done for you and give," he would add. The congregation would, then, take heed to his request and empty their pockets. The pastor would order the church band to play on, whilst the ushers go around on their collecting spree. At the end of the church, those who came in with a little amount of money would found themselves broke. The pastor, of course, would be smiling in Latin. For he knows that money has been made on the backs of these poor folks. Also, he knows that the next gathering would be good--if not better. He would continue to bless them in Latin, and they would pay him in cash.

The church members were frequently advised to register their children at the school owned by the church. An advised which most of them took to heart. The church, of course, had an ulterior motive for having its own school. Undoubtedly, a financial motive--just another scheme to suck more money from its member in the name of Jesus. Later on in life, I discovered that churches in Ghana have nothing to do whatsoever with saving souls for Jesus. All these churches are in it for the money--every single one of them. They are all leeches, to say the least. They take from the poor without giving them anything in return. Nowadays, every church in Ghana seems to have its own school. Simply because; these churches realize the financial importance of having their own schools----it sure pays handsomely. The quality of these schools, on the other hand, remains debatable. Now, I cannot talk about education without mentioning job creation. The two, I believe, go hand in hand.

So, my question is; how come that these churches have their owns schools, but don't have their own companies/factories to employ their church members? I mean, if you are going to take from the poor, then you might as well give them something back, isn't it? Imagine if all the churches in Ghana, who have their own schools, also had their very own factories or enterprises. How many people in Ghana would have been left unemployed? I ask.

These churches in Ghana have but one agenda--this agenda is to continue stealing from the poor in the name of the Lord. The Vatican illustrates my point exactly. Ghanaians, therefore, need to wake up and smell the roses, for heaven and hell is just a man's creation. The Whiteman is using voodoo, which he calls science, to rule the world. We Africans, on the other hand, have been made to hate and fear it. As a result, most Africans have yet to be diagnosed with the everything white is good--anything black is bad syndrome. How, then, could we expect to progress? We have been brainwashed to see little to no value of what we have--so that we could forever remain poor and weak. Please, do take a minute to seriously think about this.