Opinions of Thursday, 6 May 2004

Columnist: Folson, Ako

Ghanaians have Failed Ghana

It is quite difficult to believe that a party, of significance, such as the CPP, should make part of its appeal for votes based on the state of an airline. This is myopic. In reading the article titled ?NPP Has Failed Ghana Airways and....The Traveling Public?, posted on Ghanaweb, let me point out that Ghana?s economy is broader than Ghana airways, and in this day and age, ?pride and joy? does not create jobs or wealth.

What does create jobs and wealth is a viable organization, run by competent individuals and this is what Ghanair lacks. In as much as I am not privileged to have any depth in terms of internal operations, it is clear that the company can only survive, if and when both the current board and management is dissolved and replaced. Under no circumstance, can one see a turn around with the capacity of management and staff the organization currently has.

The corruption has penetrated all aspects of the company and exists in every process, and as such like a cancer, the infected parts, which in this case is the whole, must be ?amputated?. Of course the current government can do themselves some good by getting rid of the drama constantly coming out of that organization.

The airline operates in the international arena and using substandard management cannot make decisions to compete on the global arena. Actually with the business of the company, and in light of the fact that its operational spectrum is global in nature, only the best talent should be at the helm of this company. The government would be well served if this company was divested after it has been turned around, which is possible but would be difficult. The listed company on the GSE will be even a better option.

Coming back to the original argument, politics should not come into this area. It is a purely business matter, which does not need to be played to by politicians, and especially when we are talking about one flawed company.

For the CPP, as per Nii Armah Akomfraho, Chairman, CPP, UK, to even consider scoring points on this issue makes it obvious that their understanding of the requirements of managing the nation is shallow.

How important is this airline to the masses? Majority of Ghanaians are poor and this is not a focus of theirs. What value does Ghanair present to the masses? Yes, Ghanair serves a purpose and in a broader sense could be a great economic facilitator with respect to business and tourism, but if there is an opportunity in the transportation sector, it has more to do with local mass transport, than Ghana air.

Please expand your horizon, in terms of the needs of the Ghanaian society, and what you can offer the average Ghanaian, because this cheap shot will not get you any votes.

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