Opinions of Thursday, 5 October 2006

Columnist: Kufuor, Appiah Danquah

Hard And Trying Times: Ghana Plc Shall Overcome

At our just ended Labour Party Conference , members were gratified and uplifted by the speeches of our crown Prince Gordon Brown and our current leader and Prime Minister Tony Blair. Some of us were moved to tears by the speech of Tony when he reminded us of the bad old days when Labour was in opposition and our hopes and aspirations were just dreams. The party faithful were reminded by both Tony and Gordon not to press the self destructive button of infighting , bickering and backstabbing. Our theme was unity, unity, unity. My advice to Ghana Plc is the same - we are going through hard times but we must not press the self- destruct button.

Ghana Plc

During the debate and discussion on third world poverty Ghana was mentioned by one speaker as a well governed African Country that could serve and act as a model for other African failed states.

The only caveat that was thrown into the debate was the “so- called “ interview by Ala Adjetey with the Chicago Tribune and our ongoing cocaine distraction. There were no surprises when I jumped up to defend the integrity of my country. I make no apologies to anyone neither do I intend to. I am absolutely convinced and I said so at the fringe meeting that the democratic traditions and norms are gradually taking root under President Kufuor. Most of your readers will comment - “but you will say so” No, Folks this has got nothing to do with me - seasoned political commentators who had travelled all over the world to attend our conference in my adopted city Manchester agreed with my claims . Observers from other African countries said exactly the same - Ghana Plc under President Kufuor is doing pretty well. My role and your role is to build on these foundations and cheer for Ghana Plc .

Unfair Criticisms

However, I was extremely disappointed with elder Peter Ala Adjetey. As I stated in my response our country like any other developing country is going through a harsh metamorphosis. Our democratic institutions is under the spotlight and politicians and public servants will make mistakes, Ghanaians in the Diaspora will continue to dissect and criticize - that is good for any emerging democratic country. However, I did not expect elder Peter Adjetey to stoop so low and act in a vindictive and bitter fashion. Shame on you Ala. The only reason why the western media can write garbage about Ghana is simple: Ghanaians are slinging the mud and it is sticking.

The mere fact that one MP has been caught with his pants down is no reason for the Toronto Star or any Western Press to denigrate our country. The mere fact that there is an ongoing cocaine scandal in our country does not turn Ghana into Bolivia or Columbia. Listening to comments on some of our FM stations one will wonder whether there is an editorial oversight over this “self- appointed messiahs” masquerading as interviewers or do Ghana’s FM stations deserve the label “Terror on the Airwaves”(credit Financial Times , UK)..

Chief Executive President Kufuor

For the record and posterity, I wish to state categorically that Ghana Plc has its rotten apples in all sectors of public, private and professional life. The Chief Executive of Ghana Plc is not a perfect human being neither are your readers nor anyone created in the image of God. However, for Ala and Co to jump on the bandwagon and accuse the Ghanaian State of being riddled with corruption is outright nonsense and damn insulting.

As a nation we can do better, I am not and will not condone wrong doing. I was the first to ask Anane to resign despite pressure from friends and family not to write that piece. On a personal note I am very sad that Anane had to go but pleased that our democratic institutions under President Kufuor is working

However , I am in no mood to take lessons from the Toronto Star neither would I remain silent when I know from first hand that our President is absolutely and totally committed to the rule of law. President Kufuor is determined to leave his mark on history, he is determined to be remembered as the President who embedded god governance into the fabric of our country.

Ghana is not Liberia , Sierra Leone nor Bolivia. It is extremely disappointing to hear loose talk by people like Babel Jamal. If a lunatic reports that a member of the NPP is chewing grass at Kasoa I bet my button dollar Jamal will rush on to the FM stations and report it as fact. I will bet anyone a tenner that there are guys in Ghana who in their hatred for the Presidency will denigrate Ghana and bring the country down.

Ghana- A Bloody Good Country

Ghana is not Congo, Liberia, Sudan or Columbia . We can argue till the cows come home. The simple fact is Ghana has done well under President Kufuor and improve its international ratings. The European Union, US and major western countries think, act and have demonstrated their willingness to support Ghana Plc.

Just a few examples for the doubting Thomas’s:

? Debt relief;

? Increase in Aid;

? Millennium Challenge Account

? Seat on Security Council

? Huge increase in European Union Grant

? China’s support for Road programme

? Japan’s huge increase in budgetary support

? Brazil’s willingness to create a “Nobel Prize” in Ghana with Ngouchi ? Over 50 countries inviting President Kufuor to visit

I could go on and on about Ghana Plc- Ministers go out and blow the trumpet you have lot to blow. I will defend Ghana Plc at breakfast, lunch and dinner.


Let us check out the sub- region . Ghana Plc has a wonderful workforce. A workforce led by an excellent Chief Executive(President Kufuor) who believes passionately in the rule of law. Some of our folks are operating in Darfur, Lebanon, Congo, Liberia, Sierra Leone. I saw my eldest daughter off to Darfur on 20th September 2006(to take up her appointment with AU as Human Rights Officer) I cried my eyes out as I feared for her safety and security.

However, in her first email to me she described how the Ghanaian contingent the crème la crème in Darfour are taking good care of her. That is the Ghana that I love- generosity of heart, compassionate spirit and welcoming arms.

Constructive Criticism

Strong democracies thrive on mistakes and great leaders learn from their mistakes. By all means let us criticise, debate and inform. In the case of Anane, family members, friends and close associates disagreed with my request for his resignation and criticized my comments. That was fine with me, I respected their views but disagreed with them. What I cannot stand is the sit down comfortable diasporas who write rubbish and garbage post it on the web and bring our country into disrepute and ridicule. They have one thing in common - to dent our image and make it hard for Ghana to attract investors, wealth and jobs.

Bloody Personal Anger

Despite my unequivocal support and unflinching cheering for my country ,I am bloody angry and furious at the way and manner our law- enforcement agencies handled the cocaine case.. A nation that has produced the likes of Kofi Annan must not be taken to the cleaners by simple, greedy unscrupulous and uncivilized crooks assisted by bent and crooked law enforcing officers. Our nation should never have reached this stage where cocaine seizures have increased by 40%(UN Report- September 2006).

Our peace-loving nation should never have been taken for a ride by idiots and buffoons whose only claim to fame is fast cars, gold watches, wine and cheap women. These guys are well known by all of us, and it makes me sick that these stupid uncouth morons have brought us so low. These outright criminals have dented our image and lowered investor confidence plunged our great nation into panic. If found guilty, I hope they spend a long time behind bars.

The message must go out loud and clear to Colombian drug barons, Latin America cocaine dealers, Nigerian criminals, and Ghanaian collaborators that our country is no a go area for drug smugglers. We must send a clear and unequivocal message to anyone dreaming of smuggling cocaine through our borders that they will pay a heavy, heavy price. Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia and other South East Asia Countries managed to stem the flow of cocaine through their countries because they took a no-nonsense approach to drug trafficking.

Potential investors are scared away from countries which are perceived to be soft touch for drug barons.

A bit of Respect for Otumfuo

My article will not be complete if I do not plead with readers and columnists to be a bit circumspect in the reporting of the cocaine issue with regards to the Asantehene. I want to make it clear that my first allegiance is to the Ghana State. However, I admire and respect our traditional chiefs. Anytime I am in Ghana I visit the Sempe Mantse who was the acting Ga Mantse and pay my respects. I personally invited the Omanhene of Assin Atandasu Nana Nkyi 2 to visit Liverpool and represent Ghana at the World Slavery Day.

I paid homage to the Okyenhene when he visited London and as a young man I was part of the minions who carried the ex Okyenhene when he was enstooled as Okyenhene.

Traditional Chiefs are part of the Ghanaian fabric and they deserve our loyalty and support. My take on the issue is simple: For the sake of all your people I plead with Otumfuo to remain silent. Silence is Golden. This are challenging times for Manhyia and all of us - the only way forward for the Otumfuo in my humble opinion is silence, silence; silence. To your readers and all Ghanaian please, please, for the sake of harmony in our beloved country let the law take its course and back off with the insults to the Otumfuo.

The law is supreme under Kufuor’s Ghana.

Views expressed by the author(s) do not necessarily reflect those of GhanaHomePage.