Opinions of Thursday, 19 April 2007

Columnist: Poku, Kojo

How To Rule Ghana for Dummies

  • Develop a timely bout of amnesia when president, i.e. forget whatever you said while in opposition, for it may become a measuring rod by which you will be measured

  • If you owned a house, prior to becoming president, turn it into an official residence. You benefit by using State funds to repair & maintain it.

  • Appoint family members to government positions.

  • All your children should become businessmen.

  • Appoint as many ministers as possible, even if most of them do nothing

  • Salary, benefits & per diems should never be made public

  • Praising your predecessor is a NO NO

  • Funeral attendance is a DO DO

  • Foreign Travel is a MUST MUST.

  • To fix a failing economy, remove as many digits as possible from the cedi to put it at par with the Dollar.

  • To fix an energy crisis, TALK about all possible solutions, but simply wait, hope & pray that it rains

  • Solve crisis as they come. Never plan ahead

  • Spend more money on a presidential castle, stadiums and celebrations than you spend on health care

  • Don’t investigate your ministers based on mere newspaper allegation

  • Investigate members of the opposition based on mere allegations

  • If the people complain about the economy, tell them it’s fixed at the Macro level

  • If they keep complaining, irritate your predecessor and hope he says something stupid, so the attention turns to him

  • If all the above tricks fail, TRAVEL, TRAVEL, TRAVEL; because absence makes the heart grows fonder.

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