Opinions of Saturday, 19 July 2008

Columnist: Mensah, Tettey Mensah

Humphrey reveals Akuffo-Addo’s Incompetence

Competence or perceived competence provides a possible basis for selecting a leader from a broader pool of potential talents. Political lobbying may prove necessary in electoral systems, but immediately demonstrated skill and good character may secure leadership in smaller groups. Akuffo Addo is incompetent in all aspects of life. He is a failed attorney general and minister for foreign affairs. He has failed Ghanaians miserably. Voters reject this guy because if he cannot manage a ministry, how can he manage presidency please voters, Akuffo Addo is incompetent and must be rejected. I don’t blame him because he has never been a class prefect before. Akuffo-Addo…..ALAKPATOR….FUUTSE...OFUI……”President for where”

Many Countries and groups aim to identify, grow, foster and promote what they see as leadership potential or ability - especially among the so- called elite members of society. The following are the strengths of professor Atta-Mills of the great party NDC Which I believe are the attributes of a good leader. THESE ARE THE FOLLOWING REASONS WHY YOU MUST VOTE FOR PROFESSOR MILLS AND THE NDC…… Vision- Outstanding leaders articulate an ideological vision congruent with the deeply-held values of followers, a vision that describes a better future to which the followers have an alleged moral right. This is why I think ATTA-MILLS IS A BETTER CANDIDATE than Akuffo-Addo. Akuffo-Addo is not capable to lead Ghana, but he is capable to lead the criminals and the drug dealers. Prof. Atta-Mills is a visionary and will lead with integrity. He is competent and credible enough to take Ghana to the next level. AkUFFO-Addo who is living in a fantasy land, he is the most incompetent man on the universe.

1. Passion and self-sacrifice. Leaders display a passion for, and have a strong conviction of, what they regard as the moral correctness of their vision. They engage in outstanding or extraordinary behavior and make extraordinary self-sacrifices in the interest of their vision and mission. PROFESSOR MILLS have it all……..He is so passionate about the welfare of the people.

2. Confidence, determination, and perseverance. Outstanding leaders display a high degree of faith in them and in the attainment of the vision they articulate. Theoretically, such leaders need to have a very high degree of self-confidence and moral conviction because their mission usually challenges the status quo and, therefore, may offend those who have a stake in preserving the established order. Oh well, we all know Akuffo-Addo can never challenge the status quo, he has a track record of incompetency’s. PROFESSOR MILLS is more than determined to change the face of Ghana which the NPP HAS TARNISHED with their loan and cocaine scandals.

3. Image-building. Ghanaians regard outstanding leaders as self-conscious about their own image. A proven man of integrity, honest and kind-hearted which Akuffo-Addo doesn’t have. They recognize the desirability of followers perceiving them as competent, credible, and trustworthy. You and I know that Professor Atta-Mills has all these qualities. VOTE PROF. ATTA-MILLS AND THE NDC FOR A BETTER GHANA. He will build the country image if you entrust him with the presidency. He will restore HOPE and SECURITY.

4. Role-modeling. Leader-image-building sets the stage for effective role-modeling because followers identify with the values of role models whom they perceived in positive terms. How can a dishonorable man like Akuffo-Addo be a role model? He will teach the people nothing, but immoral and corruptible stuff. Prof. Atta-Mills is a man that everybody can look up-to. VOTE PROFESSOR ATTA-MILLS FOR A BETTER GHANA.

5. External representation. Outstanding leaders act as spokespersons for their respective Countries and symbolically represent those Countries to the external world. OH my God Akuffo-Addo doesn’t have what it takes. Atta-Mills is a man to trust and have the character to do the job. He is the most credible individual in politics today. VOTE ATTA-MILLS FOR A BETTER GHANA.

6. Expectations of and confidence in followers. Outstanding leaders communicate expectations of high performance from their followers and strong confidence in their followers’ ability to meet such expectations. Atta-Mills has confidence in his supporters and the whole citizenry. He will restore confidence back into the people of Ghana. He is a man of peace; he is the most qualified among the candidates to lead Ghana. VOTE ATTA-MILLS FOR A BETTER GHANA.

7. Selective motive-arousal. Outstanding leaders selectively arouse those motives of followers that the outstanding leaders see as of special relevance to the successful accomplishment of the vision and mission. Atta-Mills is one of the credible and an outstanding leader Ghana has ever had. He listens to the cry of the people and the people following him. He is a good listener which I think is a skill that a good leader should have.

8. Frame alignment. To persuade followers to accept and implement change, outstanding leaders engage in "frame alignment". This refers to the linkage of individual and leader interpretive orientations such that some set of followers’ interests, values, and beliefs, as well as the leader’s activities, goals, and ideology, becomes congruent and complementary. Akuffo-Addo has nothing to offer, he has failed Ghanaians miserably. It doesn’t surprise me because I know about his incompetence’s. He is just a “patapaa” politician with nothing to offer. VOTE ATTA-MILL AND THE NDC FOR A BETTER GHANA. Professor Mills has a proven record. The man is so competent and honest. His moral values are great. You cannot even compare his moral values with Akuffo-Addo’s baggage. AKUFFO-ADDO IS INCOMPETENT……”YAKAGBOMOR”

9. Inspirational communication. Outstanding leaders often communicate their message in an inspirational manner using vivid plan of action or manifesto. Atta-Mills has always been inspirational in all his campaign messages. Really, He is a man of his words. Atta-Mills will listen to the ideas and cries of the people and studies them, but will make the final concrete decision which will help ALL Ghanaians. AKUFFO-ADDO FOR PRESIDENT?.....EYE MOBOR……VOTE ATTA-MILLS FOR PRESIDENT and reject the incompetent Akuffo-Addo.

The following are the reasons why AKUFFO-ADDO can not lead Ghana.

i.During Akufo Addo's occupancy as the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the media further exposed the obvious scandal at the passport office that had beleaguered the nation for many years and reached its zenith but the minister did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about it. To this very day non-Ghanaian prostitutes and drug-traffickers overseas, some of whom cannot even pronounce the names in the books, are holding genuine Ghanaian passports. To prove this prevalent fraud the Crusading Guide procured a passport in the full name of President Kufour with the picture of Mr. B. A. Mensah, a very popular Ghanaian businessman, without any birth certificates other identifications. In a similar fraudulent fashion passports were also obtained for Vice President Aliu Mahama, and the Inspector General of Police. All employees involved in this scandal are still on the payroll of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs WHAT AN INFAMY!!!. In fact, Akufo Addo's personal office was reportedly broken into and nothing except signed diplomatic passports was stolen. Does it look like Akuffo-Addo is the man to depend or trusted when it comes to fighting corruption on a national level? I BEG OH GHANAIANS DON’T MAKE THAT MISTAKE BY VOTING FOR HIM. I don't think a man who could not onslaught the clutter in one department within one ministry can be entrusted to oversee several ministries. AKUFFO-ADDO IS INCOMPETENT.

ii .In the run-up to the 2004 elections that brought Akufo Addo's opposition NPP to power, the Northern Regional Chairman of the CPP Alhaji Issah Mobillah campaigned energetically for the ruling NDC. Mobilla went to Tamale police station and was taken to military guardroom where he was beaten to death. WHAT DID AKUFFO ADDO do about it? The medical officer’s report was clear, homicide, tortured to death YES DEATH… none of the the guards at the police station or the military guardroom have been arrested or on trial for this heneous killings. President Kufour and Akuffo Addo who was the attorney general then must find the killers of the innocent citizen. AKUFFO-ADDO !!! HOW CAN YOU LEAD A COUNTRY LIKE GHANA !1! IMPOSSIBLE, TOFIAKWA, AWARA, YAWA, incompetent fellow. INCOMPETENT…..

iii .When the news of an eyewitness narration broke that 44 Ghanaians transiting through the Gambia en route to Spain were brutally murdered by Gambian authorities and their bodies dumped on beaches, Akufo Addo, the then minister of Foreign Affairs, did not want anything to do with it until the Coordinator of the Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI) in Africa, Nana Oye Lithur, pressurized him into action by persistently publicizing the case. Ms. Lithur ticked off Akufo-Addo, to 'end the silence on this serious issue and make his Ministry's standpoint known to the public, especially to the families who have been seeking justice.' When Akufo-Ado halfheartedly got involved, he made four trips to the Gambia to 'investigate' the case but to no gain. To this day the Gambian government has not apologized, no arrest has been made for the murders, and no compensation has been paid to the grieving families. This case also has been brushed under the carpet as if the victims' lives were of no value. INCOMPETENT…….NTAMPI

iv. As for the drug addiction allegation against Akuffo Addo himself, I have already written my view about what makes it look believable so all I will say is if any commonsensical person thinks that the whole NPP party will remain silent and risk losing their positions and the privileges that come with them merely on the account of a false allegation against their leader, that person needs to be examined before he gets worse. Just ask yourself why Dr. Kennedy speedily comes out to defend ALL matters that may affect Akufo's chance of becoming president but conveniently ignores the career-ending drug allegation? INCOMPETENT…….”YAKAGBOMOR”…” KOTOBONKO”

v. The useless 'Amoateng Bill' that aims at bringing home Ghanaian convicts abroad to serve their time in Ghanaian prisons was championed by no other person than Akuffo-Addo. Brothers and sisters, if you cannot foresee the hoax in ROPAL and 'Amoateng Bill', just take a look at the case of the 'stranded' Ghanaians in Barbados and the grossly over-inflated cost of repatriating them to Ghana. INCOMPETENT….”YAKAGBOMOR”

vi. Illegal drug business has inundated Ghana for many years but it reached it climax when Akufo Addo was the minister of justice. During his tenure, three prominent members of the Dzorwulu NPP womens' wing (Abena Foriwaa, Chairperson, Ama Nyarkoa, Treasurer, and Comfort Akua Amankwaa, Organiser) were arrested with narcotics. The three women have since been released, all documentary traces of that case have disappeared and Akufo-Addo has refused to answers questions pertaining to the whereabouts of the case docket, why the women were not prosecuted, who authorized the granting of their bail and who facilitated their escape from Ghana. INCOMPETENT….”YAKAGBOMOR”….

vii. The paramount chief of Dagbon area in Ghana was killed alongside 33 of his subjects in a 12 hour firefight in his palace in Tamale. The police and the military were fully aware of the fighting going on. The regeant was killed and his head was portrayed as a trophy on the streets of Tamale.Akuffo- Addo was then the attorney general….. WHAT DID HE DO ABOUT IT OR DID NPP GOVERNMENT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THE KILLINGS? INCOMPETENT….. HE can never lead Ghana…. “TOFIAKWA”…

viii. The attacks on freedom of assembly by NPP. Peaceful demonstration was stopped under the NPP government and they talked about good governance and rule of law, Lord have mercy. Ropab demonstrators were beaten by NPP security police during a public demonstration. AKUFFO-ADDO what did you do when these atrocities occurred under your watch as an attorney general? INCOMPETENCE….”YAKAGBOMOR”…

AKUFFO-ADDO “TSOFATSE” we know about your affiliations with the juju men in Nigeria, Benin, Togo, and Ivory Coast, this time around, “AGBALA” will not work for you. The “PATAPAA” and “TAKASHI” by your campaign team will not work in your favor. It is unambiguous from the few instances that I have given that Akufo-Addo has NOTHING to offer Ghana. I am challenging Dr. Arthur Kennedy, Kofi Ropal, Alan disappointed Cash, Dan Kweku Botchwey, dishonorable Apraku, thief Osafo Maafo, and members of the Akuffo Addo's presidential campaign team and all Akuffo Addo's propaganda team to list Akuffo Addo’s achievements as a minister for seven years for Ghanaians to judge. HE HAS NOTHING TO OFFER…YAWA…TINA….BLEBOO….

AKPATSE Akuffo Addo is incompetent, arrogant, thief, callous, dishonest, liar, tsofatse, patapaa, takashi, flip flap”Charlie wotee” politician. VOTERS REJECT AKUFFO ADDO and THE NARCOTIC PEOPLE’S PARTY (NPP) come December for your situation will change for the better if you VOTE ATTA-MILLS and THE GREAT PARTY NDC.



EMAIL- htmensah@yahoo.com