Opinions of Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Columnist: Amankwah, Nana Kofi

Hypocrite: Mills Deserves What He Got

Politics is not about an individual’s ability to pick and choose whom one personally likes or whom one dislikes or whom he or she can work with after one has won the general election for the presidency. It is about numbers in the end that will count for the party to implement its political agenda and come back into power. However, after many people work hard to bring back the NDC party from the opposition to govern the nation, this hypocrite John Evans Attah Mills has treated many of those who contributed immensely towards his campaign financially and logistically like outcasts. Mills even has the audacity to threaten some of them because he is paranoid that some will expose him for the dubious campaign contributions he received from outside the country. How in the world could Mills and his cronies even suggest that Spio Garbarh will not have any political position in his administration?

In essence the NDC party is not like UP/NPP; one cannot claim ownership of such an organization or have absolute authority in determining who gets what at any given time. Rawlings believes that they have absolute power to determine who gets what. Unlike Attah Mills, whose parents were able to support him through his university level to achieve his diploma, Rawlings comes from a humble beginning, was raised in a single-parent home, had only an O level education, went to the military and worked his way up to where he has reached today. As a result of this the NDC founder Rawlings will not sit quietly for these criminals within the NDC to destroy his party and his political sacrifices made over the years for some egocentric people to gain financially.

According to the NDC deep-throat what has made Rawlings and his family and his followers angry is this: in every political governing establishment, whether it is a one-man party or a party that is as strong as the UP/NPP, those in charge of governing a nation assemble cabinet members who are the corner stone of the policy planning of the administration. They are the ones that make policies to govern the nation and at the same time to protect their political party’s interests. However, there are also those who are known as “Kitchen cabinet” member. This group are often known to the public as the presidential inner circle members. These are the ones who often call the shots behind the scenes. Mills has established these Kitchen cabinet members who are known in Ghana as the Fanti confederation. These secret dealers are calling all the shots and making all these dubious oil deals and making millions of dollars on a daily basis off the sweat and blood of poor Ghanaians. They are Ato Ahwoi, Kwamena Ahwoi, Kofi Totobi Quakyi, Arthur Amissah and finally Kwasi Ahwoi whose gal–pal is this so-called Ph.D. holder Hannah Bissiw, who cannot use this education to find herself a husband but rather use her body for political position. What a shame!

Jerry Rwalings is angry about all these dubious connections, which Mills’ Kitchen cabinet members have engaged in. Especially troubling are the dubious financial practices of the NDC general secretary Johnson Asidu Nketia who has built two luxury houses within two years of NDC coming to power. Asidu Nketa has also bought a house in Cuba for $40.000.00 and is also purchasing another new house in Canada for his family all within the two and half years of the NDC being in office. Rawlings has acknowledged that after Mills leaves office, the party he founded will be brought to justice and he will be embarrassed by the public humiliation and the revelation to the outside world that he is not the honest person that he claimed to be when he entered the African continent.

Rawlings doesn’t care what the outcome of the 2012 general election might be. All that he wants is to get ride of these Mills Kitchen cabinet members from his party because Rawlings believes they have engaged in dirty, deceptive, underhanded deals in which others within the NDC party have often taken ten percent from the contracts. The contracts the NDC awarded to the public to gain ten percent never end up to the NDC political party’s coffers. Stay tuned for more.

Nana Kofi Amankwah (New York)
