Opinions of Thursday, 6 December 2012

Columnist: Korankye, Kester Aburam

I Endorse John Mahama

; He Will And Should Win On Friday

Kester Aburam Korankye, @kesterGHLENS on Twitter

Election fatigue has set in and the general feeling is that most people can’t wait for this election to be over so they get on with their everyday work of moving this country forward; continuing the better Ghana agenda, strengthening the economy, increasing access to healthcare, embarking on massive development and securing the future for their children. Friday, December 7 will be a day of joy, regardless of which party comes out victorious because it will mark an end to one of the most contentious, ethnocentric polarized and negative election seasons in recent memory. I am supporting President John Dramani Mahama. I believe he offers the best opportunity and the most balanced approach to growing the Ghanaian economy while maintaining the peace and unity blowing around the nation.
The last few days of the campaign has provided great voter optics for the president. I am not personally confident of the victory of the President because of Polls but it is among reasons why the President should feel confident going into Friday’s election.
Momentum has increased, and JM is leading in more polls with almost 9 Regions falling for the President. The most trusted opinion poll in Ghana, conducted by Ben Epson and his team from the Daily Dispatch Newspaper has predicted a one touch victory for the President with 52.4%. At this point the national polls may be made to seem largely irrelevant because the elections itself is just two days away. But it is important to acknowledge that, with a sitting President leading in more polls and sitting on a comfortable one-touch Victory two days to Elections is a manifestation of a progressive leadership we should all be proud of.
Lately, a lot of people have articulated why they believe JM is best- suited to lead the country into the future, but friends keep asking me why I believe so much in JM and I keep telling them that:
“When I step into the voting booth, I think about the Nation I want to grow up in, and the values that are required to guide us there. The two main parties’ nominees for president offer different visions of where they want to lead Ghana. One believes in providing quality education for our children, increase access to healthcare, eradicating maternal mortality, creating sustainable jobs, ensuring peace and unity; one does not”.
With the kind of vigorous campaign-- loaded with 24/7 advertisement on radio and TV by the various Campaign teams, I find it hard to believe that there would be undecided and or uninspired voters this late in the election season, but for those that are still on the fence or may be had decided to stay home, the last few days should give them reason to vote for JM. The last visual going into the election Friday will be a President that is leading in more polls; a confused opposition leader beating war drums; and a President in touch with electorates “Working for You” to bring government resources to bear for those in need. Vote JM!