Opinions of Thursday, 12 March 2020

Columnist: G.K. Sarpong

Imani Ghana biometric procurement wahala: Patriotic duty or cash-driven interest?

Frankling Cudjoe is President of Imani Ghana Frankling Cudjoe is President of Imani Ghana

A few questions for Imani Ghana as it continues to berate the Electoral Commission (EC) for its processes regarding the procurement of Biometric registration kits.

1. Is the Civil Society Coalition that protested the EC’s plan to conduct a fresh registration of eligible voters still united with Imani in this matter?

2. When was the last time the Coalition spoke on this matter?

3. Why isn’t the Coalition speaking?

4. On Tuesday 10th March 2020 when it holds another press conference will Imani be speaking for itself or for the Coalition? Ghanaians need to know.

5. Is Imani a Think Tank or a pressure or lobby group? Is it behaving as a think tank or lobbying for a particular company which lost the tender?

6. Imani has clearly stated its preference for Smartmatic as its preferred winner of the bid. Why?

6. Imani has held three (3) press conferences in relation to this matter. Tomorrow 10/3/2020 it will hold a fourth. Who is funding these press conferences? Imani or it’s sponsors?

7. How has Imani handled other pressing matters that affect the national interest that come to its attention? Does it publish repeated, repetitive, angry press statements and hold multiple press conferences? Or does it state its case and leave it in the public domain? Is its current method consistent with how it has handled other pressing matters? Why is it behaving differently?

8. Why have all the top personnel of Imani, Franklin Cudjoe, Bright Simmons and Kofi Bentil been hopping angrily from one radio and TV station to another on this matter in the past three months?

10. Why was Bright Simmons a normally gentle, balanced, factual advocate so angry and emotional on the JoyTV Newsfile programme some months ago? That was so unlike him. Does he have a personal interest in this matter?

11. Why doesn’t Imani go to court to seek redress for these so called procurement breaches?

IMANI is not acting independently. It has been compromised and is receiving huge financial payments from a losing party in the biometric equipment supply tender to do its’ bidding.

That is why it is carrying out a relentless and unjustified attack on the Electoral Commssion. It is not doing any patriotic service to Ghana. Ignore Franklin Cudjoe and his paid, traitorous cohorts.

I shall return...