..and Development in Ghana.
Information is already out about the Press Statement on Launching of the Kennedy ?08 Web-Site. I am excited because by this Kennedy would become the hi-tech political trailblazer in how Africa would conduct future political campaigns. I understand this is only a foretaste of Kennedy?s vision of computerizing government business and simplifying the way Ghana would do business when elected. Among the many benefits of computerizing the economy of Ghana is the reduction of corruption and injecting efficiency in the economy of GhanaIt is no secret that a nation that ignores technology or underestimate the power of technology and its integration in a nation?s life cannot go far. Ghana is not an exception to the snail pace of development in the hub of Africa thanks to the degree of importance our leaders in Africa accord to technology. Some even think it is only a tool for the West or highly developed countries like the US. They are wrong; VERY WRONG! This is what Kennedy would like to prove today. I entreat you to take a quick look at http://www.arthurkkennedy.com. This is first in the history of Ghana and perhaps Africa. However before you go to see the face of the handsome Ghanaian and future President please read Kennedy?s
Folks I know you would like what you see at the website. Besides you can even communicate direct with Kennedy. This proves that the Kennedy Team is ready to inject innovation and progress in the psyche of Ghana politics. Thank God we can bank on a responsible President in 2008 in the person of Kobina Kennedy affectionately known as Arthur K.
Folks if you want your country to go ahead and in the speed of light meeting vision 2020 (the Millennium Development Goals(MDGs) even ahead of schedule then you know who to vote for. Well, if you are content with the snail pace of development in Ghana and the cannot-do attitude then sorry Kennedy is the wrong man to consider. If you want the leadership that abhors the use of technology to develop a nation and prefers the manual way of life with piles of office file cabinets then look the other direction.
However if you want a leader who believes the sky is the limit for Ghana and would back his word with research and execution then you ought not look further and far- the solution is here; it is on your lip, it is within your reach than you ever dreamed. Look no further! Ghana's redemption is here. Kennedy is here to take you on a surprise developmental, legal, economic, social and political tour Africa has not yet dreamed about. But we can do it with Kennedy in the captain?s seat. Not because he is super-human or super-intelligent but he has the will and the impetus to create the image of what he dreams about- a better Ghana like we enjoy in the Diaspora. Well, the joy of the pudding is in the eating. Check out Kennedy campaign website today at http://www.arthurkkennedy.com . This is the first of its kind in the politics of Africa- so far as presidential/political campaign is concerned.
This should tell you Kennedy is not a man of empty promises. Neither is Kennedy a follower. He is a leader and the type Ghana needs today.
Now a word to the NPP delegates: Beware of the money chasers and vote your conscience and the future of your party. Your party, the NPP does not need chiefs and aristocrats you need someone who is competent enough to maintain the Castle, some one honest and clean enough to command the respect of the masses. If you make the mistake to choose anyone with a tainted record, anyone who has once failed the people you can rest assure not many of your party members would vote in the general elections. Already many are growing apathetic to the cause of the party as a result of the state of the party and the government today. Remember the NDC is getting stronger every day you bypass ideas and consider who is in line (as if the presidency was a royal office or a monarchy).
Folks politics is about the future and it is only the idealist-the one with faith, vision and ideas- who can take Ghana far. Do not vote the past; the past is past and gone. Vote the future for tomorrow is yet to come. We cannot say that it is only those who lived yesterday who will live tomorrow or knows about tomorrow. No tomorrow is a whole mystery of its own but the futurist and idealist could and would usher us smoothly and peacefully. Consider Kennedy seriously if you love the future of the NPP.