Opinions of Friday, 7 August 2015

Columnist: China, Azindoo

Irresponsibility Cause Of Labour Agitations

- By Azindoo China.

The current labour agitations and the mano-a- mano we find ourselves in today , is to be blamed on those who are given the responsibility to execute certain duties in one way or the other which they failed . It's becoming a culture, where things are left to rot before attention is drawn to it. This is bad for us as a nation.

We have institutions mandated to work to see that things are done but what do we see?. We see nothing except blame and the rest. We have to be proactive to duties. We need to get things done at the approapriate, timeously and speedily.

Those who have failed in their duties to perform are left unpunished making the system stay as it is. We need to begin demanding answers from those in positions. It's not too much to ask those questions for accountability and stewardships from those we pay to see things done.

Our doctors and many labour fronts are on strike. This is not the first time they go on strikes. The strikes are recurring often times by all our public sector workers, simply because of institutional failures. Somebody's head must roll out there. Why should we play hide- and -a -seek with our engines of growth and expecting the country to reach the status of a Middle Income Country?. It's completely nonsense.

The doctors demand of conditions of service is legitimate. It's something about their lives as they work tirelessly day in day out around the clock, saving lives and all manners of exhaustive workloads.They deserve better than this treatment.

They've made their proposal so government should engage with them if it has a counter proposal. On the table all grievances can be sorted out.This is what negotiations are. But, to sit outside talking the issues will not solve the problems.

In negotiations, demands are made and not all are accepted. It's through back and forth stands and positions taken by the parties. Each party has a stake and will not want to give in to others, but with comprises and persuations, you'll see a softer stand. This is what government should have handled this case and not the bad faith posture.