Opinions of Thursday, 21 April 2016

Columnist: Bokor, Michael J. K.

Is Kufuor the bugbear for Akufo-Addo? (Part IV)

By Dr. Michael J.K. Bokor
Sunday, April 17, 2016

Folks, the events characterizing Akufo-Addo’s defeat at Election 2012 are still fresh in one’s mind. No matter how the NPP plays its game, it can’t clean its slate. And no amount of bravado on Kufuor’s part can do the trick either.

Here comes the other issues beyond the confines of the NPP. Kufuor has occasionally come out of his shell to condemn the Mahama-led administration at several fronts, his latest one being a hasty reaction to President Mahama’s claim that the NPP administration didn’t do much for the Volta Region. Kufuor made several claims, one of which was that it was his government that established the Ho Polytechnic. A blatant lie and a despicable claim to have come from him. When I enrolled at the Sogakope Secondary School in September 1972, I was part of the team that went on an excursion to participate in the Hi-Y conference at that institution in October 1972. You know the implications.
There are many issues to touch on to suggest that involving Kufuor in any frontline role will do more damage to Akufo-Addo’s interests than anticipated. That is why it will not be politically wise for Akufo-Addo to lean on Kufuor. No matter what he did while in office, he has left behind a lot of negative and stinking traces that will anger the voters more than win any goodwill for Akufo-Addo if used to campaign for him.

After all, Kufuor did a lot at Election 2008 but it all ended up in smoke just because the very candidate for whom he was campaigning wasn’t the toast of the voters. He proved not to be so at Election 2012 and has worsened his standing by doing weird things that have really angered the voters. Only those benighted NPP buffs regarding him as their Messiah will fail to see things beyond their noses. Unfortunately, no matter what they do on Election Day, they cannot put him in office unless they are supported by the votes of non-NPP members.

We recall that Kufuor was supported by the mushroom parties to win the run-off at Election 2000 because of his personal appeal. Not so for Akufo-Addo at Election 2008. Kufuor won Election 2004 on his own account (even if Rawlings and the NDC discounted it). Not so for Akufo-Addo at Election 2012. His holding of the country to ransom for 8 months at the Supreme Court has worsened his public standing since then. What awaits him at Election 2016 is enormous.

Intriguingly, Akufo-Addo has done a lot of horrible things to muddy his own waters. Talk about security issues and many others that have of late kept him on people’s lips for the wrong cause. He still has an uphill task ahead of him. The fact that he glibly condemns the Mahama-led administration, ably supported by the antics of his running mate (Dr. Bawumia) won’t be enough to turn the scale in his favour. He doesn’t have enough time to make amends. What, then?

If before leaving office Kufuor used all the arsenal in the NPP’s depot to pave the way for Akufo-Addo but he was rejected by the voters, what can he do now that his own days are numbered and the Panama Papers are telling Ghanaians what they need to know about him and why he would fend off criticisms of corruption? Then, if he turns round to accuse the Mahama-led administration of not fighting corruption in Ghana, what do you think he will be portraying?
In effect, Kufuor is a dead horse not to be used for the race. He has already carved an image that Ghanaians see. Within the NPP circles, he is revered, even if the truth about his sour relations with Akufo-Addo is too bitter for the buffs to swallow. Yet, it is that very truth that will make it really difficult for him to win the hearts, minds, and thumbs of voters for Akufo-Addo. Is there any sense, then, in banking hopes on him to do the magic for Akufo-Addo? Of course, he has been accused by the Akufo-Addo camp of not committing himself to political mobilization for Elections 2008 and 2012. Is it now that he will make amends? And will that effort be enough to put Akufo-Addo in power?

Folks, I have said it several times that Akufo-Addo isn’t going anywhere because he lacks traction. He is his own enemy. Adding Kufuor to his load will definitely weigh him down. In this sense, then, there is little to expect. As we inch toward Election 2016, we will continue to monitor happenings and comment on them as we choose to. For now, we are more than persuaded that using Kufuor for political mobilization will hurt Akufo-Addo more than rake in any support to put him in power. The factors are glaring and only those who have eyes to see things clearly will do so.

And as events unfold daily to pinpoint the internal crisis rocking the NPP, we shall see what the real power brokers of the party can do to steady the ship for Election 2016. For now, we are certain that the challenges facing Akufo-Addo at Election 2016 are more enormous than those that led him to defeat at Elections 2008 and 2012. Whose verdict will be stolen this time? That of Kufuor or Akufo-Addo? Folks, remember that when two dogs fight over a bone (none with the bone in its grips), the third one that passes by simply picks up that bone and walks away to enjoy it!!

I have spoken…
• E-mail: mjbokor@yahoo.com
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