Opinions of Friday, 11 October 2024

Columnist: Prof. Dinkum

John Mahama is a pendulum of flippancy

NDC flagbearer, John Dramani Mahama NDC flagbearer, John Dramani Mahama

Gone were the days, someone could use yarn and whopper to woo the masses without them ascertaining into the factualism and pragmatism of it. At that time, the world was designed for the opulent and esoteric people _ therefore, a deal of people were caged into the oasis of credulity, hence provided oxygen for meteoric and breakneck manipulations of facts. However, the world has whirled and wheeled around the ligature of oblivion to the circus of nosiness, in that, any filament of pork pie has become extinct good - naturedly. It is easily to formulate thinking, but how easily it is, to coin plausible upshots of your thought ? One may need what I call, ' The Unerring Ratiocination Index (URI) '.

John Mahama is piece by piece becoming anathema to the Country through his splurge of immaterial claims. John Mahama has made a callow and indelicate statement about Dr. Bawumia that, the CEO of the defunct DKM, Martin Dele is subsidizing his campaign activities. I see this as a theatrical endeavor by John Mahama to compensate his shattered integrity - there isn't a scintilla of substance in that pontification.

John Mahama made such hypothesis when in July 2024, Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia amidst his campaign tours paid a courtesy call on the Chief of Nandom, Naa Prof. Edmund Delle Chiir VIII when he visited the Upper West Region, in which contemporaneously, Mr. Martin Dele was at the palace and due to his intimacy with the Chief, hence acted on his behalf and devoted a gift to Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia and his retinue. Then suddenly, the Deputy Spokesperson to John Mahama, Eric Adjei ill - advisedly, took to his social media platform and made such puerile implication against Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia. As no spring chicken John Mahama is, it was incumbent on him to have substantiated this before he could have diffused it presumptuously in the public domain- but unfortunately, he acquiesced to the twaddle agenda of his factotum.

Sometimes, I feel bizarre about the structural thinking of John Mahama and his NDC activists, such that, this ' DKM ' became fossilized under the stewardship of John Mahama and the NDC Party during which a legions of Ghanaians got perished and others jiggled in unyielding morasses and privations. He cannot project himself as a brick when it is apparent that, he is unmitigated cozener. I remember graphically in April, 2016, when John Mahama embarked on his ' Accounting to the People's Tour ' in the Brong Ahafo Region then, issued a whimsical assurance to those victims of DKM that, they would be given 50% of their depositors back after the former Bank of Ghana Governor, Dr. Henry Wampah told Parliament, a liquidation processes had activated.

And ironically, he said this to those victims on that fateful day " You know the Bank of Ghana is autonomous... It has a board that regulates its activities so lets all persuade them for there is hope ". This man, knowing that, the Bank of Ghana is an autonomous body is pledging hypocritically to restore the defunct banks by the Central Bank through Bank of Ghana when given another presidential mandate. Is this not absurd and meshugaas ? I think John Mahama is suffering from psychopathy, because no mentally stable person would be erratic like he has been exuding since.

As I do say often, John Mahama doesn't have the mettle to be the president of this country again. Has one asked herself/himself about why he (John Mahama ) has been employing two - faced means routinely, to spellbind and zero in the electorates for their votes ? It is easy - peasy, to peculate our deep pockets in order to egocentrically soar his financial strengths. He is a null character and cannot spice up the progress of this country and so, must be vetoed flatly once again !