Opinions of Saturday, 16 June 2007

Columnist: Ayiku, Charles Nii

Juju and Relationships

Does juju play a role in relationships? Can juju help you win the love of a man or woman?

Some Ghanaians believe that, juju can play an important role in their relationships. They therefore seek help from people especially witchdoctors so as to win the love as well as maintain or protect their relationships. Juju is generally described as a spirit which assists one to achieve an objective, whether good or bad.

The wikipedia describes juju as a magical property, usually having to do with spirits or luck, which is bound to a specific object; it is also a term for the object.

Juju also refers to the spirits and ghosts in African lore as a general name. The object that contains the juju, or fetish, can be anything from a cowries, animal or human parts.

The wikipedia went on to say that; juju can only be created by a witchdoctor, even though few exceptions exist. Juju can be summoned by a witchdoctor for several purposes; good juju can cure ailments of mind and body. Any thing from fractured limbs to a headache can be corrected.

Bad juju is used to enact revenge, sooth jealousy, and cause misfortune. Bad juju can be spread just as easily, cheating on some test or any other disreputable act will evoke it. Juju is said to be effective in relationships. It is believed that some Ghanaian men and women have used juju in one way or the other to attract the opposite sex.

I was told that even young boys and girls in Junior Secondary, Senior Secondary and even at the tertiary level use juju to win the love of the opposite sex.

The use of juju in winning the love of the opposite sex is a common place, but the practice is deeply steeped in secrecy.

For some of the men, what I heard is that, they consult witchdoctors , tell them they want this particular lady, they are sometimes asked to bring the picture of the lady, dress or any part of the lady’s body, it could be her nails, hair, shoes etc.

When they bring these things, the witchdoctor prepares special “things” for them, sometimes I hear “somethings “are locked in a padlock and until the padlock is unlocked, the love between the two shall be forever. It is even more serious when the padlock is thrown into the sea.

Some witchdoctors also give you money or a special gift that you can give to the lady you are interested in. It is even believed that, this can even change the mind of the most difficult lady in the area, office or any where. My good friend Ben told me that, most men use juju to win the love of certain women because they just want to have sex with them. And also to prove to their male friends that they are capable of having sex with the most “untouchable” ladies.

“Ladies underwear and panties are also used by the men. Sometimes after sex, the man would tell the lady, he has new underwear or panty for her, excited as she is, she would be forced to put the new one on and eventually forget about the old one. The old one especially the one with vaginal discharge is taken to the witchdoctor”. He said.

“Most men use juju to protect their relationship, they want their women to love them and no one else. Some even go to the extent that when another man sleeps with their woman; their male organ will forever be stuck in the woman’s vagina” Ben added.

Women just like the men have similar reasons why they use juju. Aside the above reasons which could also be said about the woman, the very unique aspect of their style is the use of “kooli” or special make-ups and perfumes which are prepared by the witchdoctors.

It is believed that when you look at this lady in this special kind of make-up, you are hypnotized by her beauty and this can lead her to control your life, wealth and mind.

These women usually target the rich and famous in society. They also use that to destroy the marriages of people especially when they are interested in your husband.

There is a saying that, the best way to enter the heart of a man is through the stomach. Therefore, some women mix food with certain concoctions made by witchdoctors in preparing food for the men. The concoction is to help the woman win the love of the man.

Some women also store the sperms of men for such purposes. What they do is to encourage the man to use condom when they are having sex. After the sexual act, the woman would remove the sperm filled condom and keep for the ritual.

Even though society frowns on this act, it’s been practice in every part of the country. I was even told that, some of the women and even the men use juju to win the love of expatriates.

“I know a lady who used juju to win the love of a white man. They are now living together and have two children. I think it is bad to use juju. Love should be natural. What if this man finds out later in life?” Vida told me.

Ghanaians should know that love as the Bible puts it is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres. - 1 Corinthians 13:5-7

Also, Love is not manipulative. It must never be used to get others to do what you want. This form of manipulation contaminates our Love for another. It is therefore important for people to treat the issue of love very carefully.

A lot of marriages built on juju have ended in very disgraceful and shameful manner. Trust and respectful have also been affected through relationships built on juju.

It is therefore important for us to avoid juju and rather allow love to flow naturally.

What do you think?

Author: Charles Nii Ayiku
Email: ayiku13@hotmail.com

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