Opinions of Monday, 11 November 2019

Columnist: NUGS

Justifying our collective students advocacy by driving NUGS the students way

Isaac Jay Hyde Isaac Jay Hyde

On the 10th of November 2019, colleague delegate students from across higher learning institutions in Ghana travelled far and near to the Islamic University College, Ghana to elect for Ghanaian Students a new breed of leaders to man the affairs of the union NUGS.

Owing to the long disunited front of the union, and the very strong awakening force of fellow Ghanaian students in the struggle to unify the front, nothing seemed possible to obstacle the drive agenda. Our focus, vision and mindset was one and simple; We Must Drive NUGS The Students Way.

The exercise was regarded historic and for us who had the opportunity to be part of proceedings, it presented to us a rare moment of writing our names in the unification process and the soothing end of it thereof.

There shall be struggles within our struggle. Notwithstanding, we shall dare to drive NUGS the students' way. This is our earnest dedication to the Ghanaian student for whose welfare the National Union of Ghanaian Students (NUGS) was formed.

Dear Ghanaian Student, the Drive Agenda chooses this time to extend a hand of appreciation to you for all the sacrifices you may have made in support of the agenda. Lest we forget to congratulate you for being part of this victory just as we congratulate all who put forth themselves for election into the various portfolios of the Union. God be with us as we join hands to drive NUGS the students way.

ijhyde ????