The General Secretary, GJA
September 21, 2014
Box 742
Dear Sir,
I write to formally apologize to the Ghana Journalist Association (GJA) for my unilateral decision to withdraw my assault case from the circuit court in Kumasi without recourse to it.
Much as I agree that it was within my right to do so, it would have been fair and appropriate to have hinted at least, Ashanti regional branch of the association of which I am a member, more so when it has been very supportive from the day I was assaulted.
Indeed, my fear at the time was that, the association would not grant me my wish, knowing the passion with which it had followed the case.
But respectfully, the trauma I was going through at the time coupled with my deteriorating health status as a result of my unstable blood pressure and that of my mother’s, as well as well as the sudden death of my uncle who, until his death had mounted ceaseless pressure on me to withdraw the case, warranted my action.
I am aware that my colleague journalists across the country are upset and disappointed because the news came to them as a shock.
I hope members of the association will understand and forgive me. Thank you and May God bless us all.
Thank you
Yours Faithfully,
(Daniel Kenu)
Cc: The Ashanti regional branch, GJA.