Opinions of Sunday, 18 February 2007

Columnist: Kufuor, Appiah Danquah

Killers Of GJA President Must Be Brought To Justice

First, they came for the Jews and I did not speak out- because I was not a Jew. Then they came for the Communists and I did not speak out- because I was not a communist. Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out – because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.

PASTOR NIEMOELLER- Victim of the Jews.

The barbaric, unGhanaian, mafia style slaughter of the President of the Ashanti GJA has brought me back from my self – imposed exile of commenting on matters of national interest. I had retired for a while to concentrate my energies and resources on creating and building a financial institution in Ghana, which will provide jobs for many of our unemployed young people. However, as Pastor Niemoeller rightly said we must speak out against gross injustices. I will not remain silent over this gruesome, objectionable, cowardly act.

As a nation, we must face this challenge head on. The full resources of the State and by that I mean the IGP and the Director General of CID must take immediate charge of the investigations. I suggest they report directly to the President and no one else. This murder is on scale 9 of the Richter scale. No stone must be left unturned to catch these monsters.

The murderers and their accomplices want to put the fear of the Lord into investigative, inquiring and intelligent journalists. This is simply not acceptable in a democratic state. We miss our Tommy Thompson’s and John Kugblenu’s. This mindless brutality and senseless acts drives away investors, tourists and gives our country a bad image. This will be played on the air – waves by the free press in the Western World.

The drinking bar where our gallant friend, brother was killed must be turned into a crime scene. Every shred of evidence must be looked at; no stone must be left unturned in our search for these bloody monsters.

Fellow Ghanaians, in this instance, I strongly suggest The Ashanti Police Command be taken of this case. I do not doubt their integrity, professionalism or ability to apprehend these killers but on all the anecdotal evidence available, it will be better for an external force to take charge of this heinous act.

The Ashanti Police Command must resolve the contemptible action of the mindless criminals who have taken over the Tafo Cemetery and is making life hell for the good folks in Tafo. I am sorry, this is too big for them.

The bastards murdered him with impunity – scaring away other drinkers and like hit men killed him in cold blood. In simple English, “The bastards and their accomplices who committed this murder must be caught and brought to justice- nothing less nothing more Ghana is not Columbia and Ghanaians of all shade of opinions will not allow our country to be turned into a jungle.

We owe it to our children and grand – children to leave a country where they can discuss, debate, argue and chill out without fearing for their lives. I may not like the views of many readers of Ghanaweb but by Jove, they have the right to free speech.

It is high time politicians, chiefs, and rich people in our society stop their despicable behaviour of threatening journalists and hurling them in front of Judges at the first sign of criticism. It is bloody time our Judges support our journalists by giving our politicians bloody noses in court. For example, they could ask journalists to pay a token sum of 50,000 cedis when found guilty of minor issues. Why should journalists be asked to pay punitive damages when, what they have written had no effect/impact on the political career of the plaintiffs? Indeed, most officials stay in their post when a bad piece is written about them – so what is the fuss about?

It is simply not good enough and not acceptable for any organisation and by that, I mean any organisation to go about threatening journalists if they write a piece, which they disagree with.

Ghanaians must rise up and face the challenge. The heavy fines which our eminent Judges keep slapping on low- paid journalists going about their investigative work is not acceptable. It deters brilliant young people from entering the profession and perusing investigative journalism. Yes, sometimes journalists will get it wrong, but on my word they are needed to keep a close eye on our politicians.

We are a wonderful people with a few rotten apples – together we can weed them out. Please pray for his family and all those who depended on him for their daily bread.

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