Opinions of Saturday, 5 March 2016

Columnist: Allan Kweku Buah

A letter to Abraham Attah: 'Don't complain, just work harder'

Opinion Opinion

Dear Abraham Attah, my mentor!

I have always described myself as the King of Ghanaian Teenagers, giving me a daunting task to advise you in a well-balanced manner. Some wittingly pronounce that, "Abraham Attah is the only celebrity in Ghana, the rest of them are just popular." So are we right to tout you as another Macaulay Carson Culkin, the "Home Alone" star? Okay, I also maintain that you are Ghana and Africa's Justin Bieber (metaphor intended) at the moment.

Indeed, you are a living testimony of the old adage, "Great oaks from little acorns grow." Abraham Attah, your "time and chance" - I mean, your rare global prominence now - have begun to unfold after you starred in "Beasts of No Nation." Though you may not be swifter, stronger, wiser, more knowledgeable, more skillful - that's what Ecclesiastes 9:11 asserts! Kindly brace yourself up for the enlightening piece of advice, and heed them accordingly.

A. G. U., 'Always Get Unflinching," because the whole world now has higher expectations of you. Yes, others have started undermining your acting prowess, but you need not complain - just work harder, as Randy Pausch said. Most Ghanaians, who are mesmerised by your globally acclaimed talent of acting, eagerly continue to eulogise you. However, Da'Hammer of the Last Two music group and Manasseh Azure Awuni of Joy FM have unapologetically cautioned you regarding your worldwide acclamation.

It's a bitter pill to swallow, Agu! I could not agree more with Da'Hammer while I was quite sceptical of Awuni's claims. In fact, hard work pays off. Never allow complacency to control your celebrated soul. Do not be distracted by any negative publicity about you, for they are all meant to test the strength of your personality.

Donovan Mailey, a retired Canadian sprinter, has this dazzling instruction for you, "Follow your passion, be prepared to work hard and sacrifice, and above all, don't let anyone limit your dreams." I tell you, Abraham Attah, you may ride on your international fame, incredible links and growing income; but you can fall like Lucifer if you avoid sustainable hard work. For Heather Bresch did not mince words when she declared that, "There is simply no substitute for hard work when it comes to achieving success."

Attah Nii, your present achievements seem unprecedented and mind-boggling yet they are just the beginning of the fullness of your success. That is why hard work ought to be your cardinal hallmark if you seek to reach the peak of your entire success. "Learn, work, and think in equal proportions, and you'll be going in the right direction," according to Donald J. Trump.

Moreover, "No one cares about the blood, sweat, and tears that art and beauty can require. It's the end result that matters" (Trump, 2009). I hereby urge you to take your cue from the success strategy of Kendrick Lamar, a multiple Grammy award-winning rapper. I recently read somewhere that, "...Kendrick's great success stems from the dedication to his craft. For him, the music never stops. When he's not in the lab, he's on stage..."

This should inspire you to keenly master the art of filmmaking to the full in order to last for decades in the movie industry like Sylvester Stallone. Besides, "No matter how vast one's potential is, without self-confidence, one is already defeated in the battle of life" (Asubonteng, 2006). Again, it is said that, "Life is made up of 10% of what happens to you, and 90% of how you react to it," so live a good life at all times.

Also, you must display the right attitude both in public and in your private life at all times. You are a globally influential personality at the tender age of 15, and you may be tempted to be ungodly in character. But remember that your attitude determines your altitude in your career. Agu, exude good discipline in your budding-cum-magnificent movie career.

According to the book "Mining the Gold in You," "Good discipline ensures that you have the fortitude to control your actions and to get through difficult times. It helps you maintain positive habits, and focus required for the attainment of your goals." God bless Abraham "Agu" Attah for inspiring well-meaning youths scattered across the continent of Africa.

Yours sincerely,
Sir Article.
Source: sirarticle.blogspot.com