Opinions of Friday, 13 October 2006

Columnist: Amankwah, Nana Kofi

Kufuor can't have it both ways

John Agyekum Kufuor is the only conservative president who refuses to listen to his core constituencies and the nation. They must hold him accountable for the economic hardships his administration has inflicted upon them.

John Agyekum Kufuor’s principle of governing of our country is a free for all. It is not conservative ideology nor liberal theory. Kufuor can’t have it both ways. His system has never worked towards cultivating values of economic development within his core constituencies and the country as a whole. As a senior member of the Republican Party in New York City, I believe the ideological motive behind conservatism is to govern a country by reducing taxes, creating jobs, increasing spending, keeping inflation down, and taking care of your constituency base.

The Liberals often fulfill the needs and desires of ordinary people, through raising taxes. Conservatives take care of the core values of the country’s economic and traditional values. Kufuor does not listen to the chiefs when they complain about the economic conditions which are affecting ordinary Ghanaians. As a result of his stubborn behavior, his core constituencies are up for grabs in 2008 elections in the Eastern region, Central region and the Ashanti region. These statistics are based on the current district assembly elections and eye witness sources from those areas.

Kufuor has now realized that the bye- election in Offense could pose a political dilemma to his NPP, so he is trying to express his dissatisfaction with the TAYSEC construction company for doing a bad job. For all this time, where was John Agyekum Kufuor? He needs to stay home and do the people’s business and stop the hypocritical politics he is practicing on his core constituencies.

The NPP members in his core constituencies should hold John Agyekum Kufuor accountable for his failed stewardship, which has set a bad example for his campaign promises in the 2008 elections. In fact, if Agyekum Kufuor actually thinks about these shoes shine boys who voted for him twice, live in urban areas, and are sleeping in front of people shops at night, he would reduce the current fuel prices which I wrote about in my article, on the 29th September 2006. Since my article, the crude oil markets prices have continued to decline as I predicted. I will continue to put peer pressure on the Kufuor administration until they reduces the fuel prices in Ghana. I also will continue to up-date Ghanaians on the current crude oil markets spot rates which is now $58.20. The speculators have predicted that even the next month future forward prices of crude oil will continued to fall below $60.00 a barrel.

This is a conservative’s governments that always increase taxes and duties in our harbors and other entry points into the country. Still, his administration is selling fuel for $4.00 per gallon, making a huge profit, while common people are suffering. His unemployment rate is very high. The youth who voted for him cannot even find jobs and he continues to deceive the world that per income capital in Ghana is one thousand dollars ($1,000.00). This assertion cannot be substantiated.

Nana Kofi Amankwah (New York).

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