Opinions of Friday, 8 January 2016

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Kumawu Traditional Council Rubbishes the Questionable Land Deal Claims

.. Against It by KCLA

A group calling herself Kumawuman Citizens Living Abroad (KCLA) recently brought it to the attention of Kumawuman citizens, thus, placed a document in the public domain that reveals the jaw-dropping scale of some dodgy and humiliating negotiations into Kumawu Stool lands sales or leases as entered into by some Kumawuman traditional leaders.

Following that timely revelation alerting the population to how weak and devious the leaders are, should the assertions or allegations by KCLA be true, some faceless persons calling themselves the "Concerned Indigenes of Kumawuman" have countered the claims by KCLA.

They have littered Kumawuman, especially Kumawu, with their counter response document of which a true copy form is found below.

Let me try to put a face to the author of the document. He could be nobody other than Dr James London; the self-styled Spokesperson for the alleged Kumawuhene Barimah Sarfo Tweneboah Koduah called Dr Yaw Sarfo in private life.

From the figment of his extremely warped imagination, he asserts that one Adolf Rockson has fraudulently availed himself of about 1,500 acres of Kumawuman Stool lands.

If he meant to write Rockson Adofo instead of Adolf Rockson as indicated in their document, then it is me, the author of this publication.

To help these faceless individuals, cowards and "educated illiterates" lacking intelligence and wisdom as they appear by their expressed views on Adolf Rockson especially, I shall ask them very simply, but intelligent questions. This will expose their ignorance and lack of wisdom while at the same time giving them clues in their search for the truth about the lands owned by Rockson Adofo in Kumawuman.

1. Where is the 1,500 acreage of Kumawuman Stool lands fraudulently acquired by Rockson Adofo situated within Kumawuman?

2. When and how did he acquire those lands or that land?

3. When and how did you become aware of his unlawful acquisition of those lands or that land?

4. Had or have you, made contact with him regarding his dubious acquisition of those lands or that land? If you have, what was his answer or reaction to your discovery of his illegal acquisition of the land? If you have not, why haven't you?

5. If Rockson Adofo has by whichever means acquired about 1,500 acres of Kumawuman Stool lands as alleged, how did you come to conclude that he has no proper documentation covering his ownership of the land?

6. What do you mean by proper documentation and how is it obtained if Rockson Adofo intended to get one?

7. What do you mean by "at the time no one seemed to be in control?" Who should have been in control and of what?

8. When you become aware that someone has stolen your property, what is the most sensible thing to do? Do you not call the police on him/her or sue them in a court of law for stealing your property?

9. Have you instituted any court action against him, thus, served a writ for trespass or illegal acquisition of Kumawu stool land on him? If you have served such a writ on him, when was it and if you haven't, why not?

10. Have the so-called "Concerned indigenes of Kumawuman" ever heard that Rockson Adofo used to argue harshly with the late Barimah Asumadu Sakyi II over the phone? If they have ever heard about it, what was Rockson Adofo's reason(s) for being insolent to him?

11. Have the so-called "Concerned indigenes of Kumawuman" ever heard that Rockson Adofo once had harsh exchange of words on the phone with Kumawuhemaa Abenaa Serwaah Amponsah about two or three years before the death of the late Barimah Asumadu Sakyi II? What was their bitter argument all about and what caused it?

When the so-called "Concerned indigenes of Kumawuman" conduct their search to get answers to the above questions, they can come back to me to tell whether or not I have illegally availed myself of about 1,500 acres of Kumawuman Stool lands as they assert.

One thing I am aware of is I have legally acquired about 200 acres of Kumawuman Stool lands at Wraponso of which I have been battling with court cases over its ownership from the early weeks of its acquisition. I had placed and continue to place publications about it on Ghanaweb, Modernghana and News Ghana. The last time I made mention of it was on Friday, 25 September 2015 under the title, "Is this Group of Judges also Corrupt and Deserves Punishment?" (http://www.ghanaweb.com/GhanaHomePage/features/Is-this-Group-of-Judges-also-Corrupt-and-Deserves-Punishment-383856)

If I had acquired it illegally, do you think I shall be stupid to talk about it as I do in the media? I have proper documentation on the land.

Finally but not the least, I have 13.5 acres of Kumawuman Stool land at Kumawu. If the so-called "Concerned indigenes of Kumawuman" care to know more about it, they should contact one Kwabena Dapaah, the son of Nana (Opanin) Damaase, the late Kumawu Kyidomhene, Mr Kwasi Koduah alias Kasco, Kyeame Osei, and other members of the Kumawu Traditional Council.

I was supposed to have been given 50 acres according as directed by the late Barimah Asumadu Sakyi II but not 13.5 acres? Why? Find out!

I hope Dr James London will not come out again with false allegations against the person of Rockson Adofo. If he does that again, as coward and a double-agent as he has proved himself, I shall take him in a manner that will cost him his little respect left. However, he should not be scared that I will reveal the detail conversations held between us when we were buddies. I have the personal obligation to remain trusted by all those I interact with and share secrets hence never will I blackmail anyone using secrets they may have confided in me against them when that seems to be the only available option left to expose them beyond doubt.

I dedicate this publication to the memory of the late Mr Kofi Dadzie, my friend and schoolmate, and Nana Akua Serwaah; the younger siblings of Dr James London.

P/S: Check all the three websites, Ghanaweb, Modernghana and News Ghana and you will surely find a copy of their response document or letter.

Rockson Adofo