Opinions of Saturday, 9 February 2008

Columnist: Fosu, John

Kumawuhemaa is Cracking Under Pressure

In my preceding article I decided to take a long time off contributing or publishing any feature articles on Ghanaweb to be able to attend other pressing personal needs which are also time consuming. I have for a few reasons decided to come back to complete the unfinished job. I am my own man but being an instrument in the service of God and humanity, determined to be used to achieve a positive result, I can say with certainty to be without right to choose to abscond until the battle is victoriously won. I can confirm that the battle is almost won concluding from the recent unfolding events, revealing the anticipated light at the end of the dark tunnel. Though they are categorically proven statements that "When the going gets tough, the tough get going" and "Quitters never win, and winners never quit", my decision to take time off was based on doing something else of equally immense benefit to the Kumawuman people I have vowed to assist whether rain or sunshine, but not quitting because the fight is getting tough as some may wrongly assume..

My second reason was my failure if I had virtually disappeared as promised, to say thank you to God the Father Almighty, and also failing to express my appreciation for Mr. Francis Akoto and Co. of Ghanaweb, who have made it possible for me to communicate with Kumawuman citizens the world over, by granting me unrestricted access to their electronic media, to update my compatriots on the Kumawuman chieftaincy affairs which has been in the public domain since the demise of Barima Asumadu Sakyi II, but dragging on at snail's pace without solution. This is all because a disrespectful pugilist tomboy, unfortunately elected as the queen, wants to continue taking the people for imbecile but which notion of hers is vehemently being opposed by God the Father Almighty through His children.

My other reason is to offer the queen cogent argument likely to persuade her; allowing her the face-saver of relinquishing her false claim to the Kumawuman paramount throne in peace, rather than to be dragged shamelessly to court where she is likely to be pushed over the precipice. I am going to play the role of an umpire, proposing an honourable exit for the queen from the chieftaincy quagmire she has inadvertently through stupidity, greediness, lack of own historical facts and purportedly underrating the intelligence of her subjects, taxing their patience to the elasticity point, brought upon herself. The queen is highly depressed, having been frustrated by her own evil machinations compounded by the unyielding stance by the progressives who do monitor her activities keeping eagle eye on her. Her recent false public composures are a contrast to what pertains indoors. She wets her pillow with tears all night long, weeping uncontrollably, tossing herself in bed without a wink. Information reaching me is that she has regretted her stubborn stance on the chieftaincy issue but weak-minded as she is, both intellectually and by lack of common sense, she feels ashamed to admit her mistake and then concede defeat by giving away the chief's throne to the God's appointed one without putting up a face-saving fight as though, in the throes of death she is still struggling to cling onto life. What a nutter?

Twice has the queen been recently summoned to appear before a traditional panel elected by Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, the Asantehene, in Kumasi, along with the feuding Aduanahene & Co. who feel cheated by the intransigence of Kumawuhemaa pertaining to declaring them persona non grata with regards to ascending the Kumawu paramount chief's throne. Twice has this so-called "Lady-Tyson" taken to flight, claiming to suffer stomach bug. Until when will her flimsy excuses last? Reliable information reaching me indicates that she is scared, trembles like a leaf, out of fear of the fact of facing the true royals whom she cannot look in the eye to tell them the very nonsense she wrote in her defence submission to the court. And I quote, "The Defendants ( the queen & Kontihene) deny that the 1st Petitioner (Nana Sarfo Agyekum II, alias Joe Fly) is Aduanahene of Kumawu Paramount Aduana Royal Family. The Defendants say that there are many Aduana clan groups at Kumawu. The 1st Petitioner belongs to the Odumase Aduana clan. The several clans do not have a common Aduanahene nor an overall Abusuapanin. The 1st Petitioner is not eligible for the Kumawu Paramount Stool". The Defendants say that the 2nd Petitioner (Nana Kwaku Damte) is the Odikro of Ananagya. But second Petitioner is not a blood descendant of Seni Fontom who was the originator of the Kumawu Royal Paramount Stool. The Defendants say that the 3rd Petitioner ( Opanin Nti Kwakye) is a member of the Ananangya Aduana family; he, 3rd Petitioner like the 2nd Petitioner, is not a descendant of Seni Fontom and is consequently not eligible for the Kumawu Paramount Stool. The Defendants say that 4th Petitioner ( Opanin Kwame Tawiah) is Abusuapanin of the Odumase Aduana Clan, but he is not eligible for the Paramount Stool of Kumawu". My source of information is a copy of her defence submission on my desk got from her own backyard and from her own confidants. This is the miraculous work of the Living God the Father Almighty. If the trigger of frequent stool in her use as an excuse was true, then it is down to panic attack syndrome. She is afraid to meet up with the true royals. This problem of suffering running stomach did happen to us on examination days when we were school pupils and one began to feel some panic sensations simply out of fear of probably not performing to expectation.

Who from Kumawuman does not know that there is an overall Aduanahene who doubles as the overall Aduana families Abusuapanin? Who from Kumawuman does not know that the descendants of Barima Tweneboa Kodua I, called the Ananangya Royal Family, as the descendants of "Ayo", are called the "Ankaase" Royal Family, are the true and most eligible royals to ascend the Kumawu Paramount throne? Who from Kumawu does not know that the Odumase Royal Family members are also the direct descendants of the same great-grandmother that begot the Ananangya royal family and that the two families are one and the same? How with the distortion of historical facts of such magnitude as presented by the disgraced queen would she be able to face them under the same roof without being comatosely floored by the mere recount of the true version of the Kumawu royal families history? Unwitty as she is, she has already made a noose of the long rope given her to hang herself up. But I will today open emergency exits or routes, and we shall see if she will be clever enough to avail herself of such an opportunity to get extricated from the problems in which she is hopelessly mired without fumbling once more. But before then, may I pause to ask, "Who according to the queen is/are the true descendants of Seni Fontom, the originator of the Kumawu paramount stool? I know the origin of the "Ankaase" royals, which is miles away from Seni Fontom. They are from "Ayo", and the documentation on how they infiltrated into the Kumawu royalty is in Asantehene's archives for all to read. I am only to spew and poo reading her nonsensical version of history. The descendants of Seni Fontom are the Ananagya and the Odumase royals. I challenge the queen to a contest if she dares me. I am ready to proceed home armed with historical facts from genuine sources including that of the late historian Opanin Yaw Forson to make a clown out of the queen in public. She had better go to those conversant with Kumawuman history to get her facts right. Why cannot she go to Dr. James for tutorial on Kumawu chieftaincy affairs? I admire this noble Doctor for being principled and standing up to Barima Asumadu Sakyi II when he was veering deeper and deeper while the time demanded that someone stood up to tell him enough is enough.

I am going to cue the queen in on how to secure peaceful solution without getting herself deeper into problems that can culminate in her untimely death. Her frustration is getting her suicidal but I would want her to live to see and compare the difference between a proper administration carried out by dedicated honest people, and that of a bogus administration carried out by herself and her dishonest selfish brother. A case scenario will do the trick, bringing my intention out vividly in picturesque. Assume you are walking in the dangerous "no go area" street in say, downtown New York at sunset with an expensive mobile phone to the ear chatting hilariously with a newly found lover. Then all of a sudden, a street tout and thief emerges from nowhere to demand you hand over the phone to him, having pulled a knife or a gun at you. What will you, my reader, as a sensible person do? Will you part with the phone in peace, or, you will stubbornly hang on to it to get killed by this brazen drug addict and thief, who thinks a moment consideration of human life as precious is a waste of his time and it's also a good old-fashioned mannerism having no place and consideration in this modern world? If you let go the phone, you will save your life but if you put up any silly resistance, he will put the knife into you or pull the trigger, costing you your life and then still dispossess you of the phone. If I were the person being attacked, I would part with the phone to keep my life. And once I have life, I can work to acquire the same, if not a much better phone. Such incidents as one just narrated do happen everyday in the streets of America and Europe .

The above case study is analogical to the queen's situation as at present. God the Father Almighty has spoken. He says, He has given the throne to someone from the Ananangya Royal Family. Why then should she want to thwart God's plan by being extremely selfish, stubborn and wicked, going after lesser gods full of malevolence in an attempt to prove God a liar and a weakling? God is now furious and His wrath is coming to bear upon her sooner than later. She can neither resist God nor win in any contest taken up with Him. I have revealed God's intention to you about who should occupy the presently vacant Kumawu paramount chief's stool. Why are the fetishes she is indulged in not telling her the truth but only all that she wants to hear once they are appealing to her ears? She should divert to the true men of God, or fast and pray for God to reveal His purpose about the throne to her. Now that I have made God's plan known to her, the decision is hers. She can either listen to God or follow her selfish heart's desire and then bear the damnable consequences.

I will advise her to send an emissary to the Aduanahene with the simple message that she has relinquished her strangle-hold on the throne and that he should nominate, elect and enthrone a new paramount chief as per the wishes of God the Father Almighty in answer to the cries of the people of Kumawuman as revealed to her today in my article. I hope am done on this issue. Also, her children resident in Canada should put pressure on her to quit anything having to do with the paramount chief's throne. Or, if they should be stupid to side with their mother, encouraging her to fight till she wins the battle, then it is death that awaits her as per the revelation of God the Almighty Father. There is no "if" or "but". All there is to it is to release the throne as directed. Where are her numerous bedfellows? Can they not offer her any sensible advice at this crucial death or life moment of hers? They are boyfriends indeed! Boyfriends who only love her vagina and money but look elsewhere when it comes to saving her life. This is a real life's learning curve for her. It serves her right! I pity her greediness bothering on naivety. I want her to continue to live hence, the advice that may help her evade God's wrath that is imminent upon her.

I will advise that the Kontihene goes to the Aduanahene to plead for forgiveness having wrongly sided with the queen. For she will surely denounce him sooner and blame her present cornered precarious situation on him and his mother the Kontihemaa, who is the cause of Kontihene's disgrace as has lately been laid bare in both the electronic and print media. Kontihene should throw in the towel, then ask Aduanahene to elect the next paramount chief, with his support and that of the Gyasehene. If Kontihene does this, his sins so far, regarding the chieftaincy affairs, will surely be forgiven by God the Father Almighty, the Kumawuman people, and the Aduanahene and Co. Once he does this, new directions about his offences so far committed will be given and surely, he will be pardoned. " If a crocodile family member emerges from the river to announce the death of the mother crocodile, there is no need for disputation as they live together under the waters". "A word to the wise is sufficient".

The Sanahene (alias Kwame Tawiah) and the Samaahene (a.k.a. Osei Kwame) should both volunteer information about the dubious withdrawal and disbursement of the Kumawu Traditional Council's money for which they have been summoned to High Court. Who authorised the withdrawal, why and how? Why was it done stealthily where if it had not been uncovered by the help of God the Father Almighty working through His elected human agents, nobody would have known about it? Are they all not marvelled by such quick revelations? Have they ever mused over why all their underhand dealings and secret plots in less than no time come to the public domain? This is the work of the Living God the Father Almighty. Their remorseful volunteering of information can touch the hearts of all, earning them people's sympathy but should they continue as fools without sense, then the noose around their necks will be tightened up. People have been hearing them say, they have got their share of the money ready to hand in to the Court. That sounds absolute crap in my ears. How did the money leave the bank in the first place? Why was the money withdrawn in the first place? Who authorised the withdrawal of the money in the first place? Was laid down protocol followed before the money was withdrawn? Did/do they have the right to disburse the money the way they did in the first place? Why did they keep mute over the withdrawal and disbursement of the money only to be unearthed through the abundant mercies of God the Father Almighty? I put it to them that they did what they did with evil intent. They are guilty in any court of law and will be charged with fraudulent withdrawal of public money, embezzlement, stealing and attempting to steal. They can go to prison for that or charged a hefty fine after the restitution of the money they did deprive Kumawuman of. They are to do exactly as I have suggested or they will soon become prisoners wearing calico uniform with their prisoner identification number conspicuously written in them..

Should all or any of the mentioned traditional office holders do exactly as I have proposed, I will personally intervene to ensure none goes to prison. Peace, do the progressives want. Should they hold onto their belief that all is well and that they are in the right after all the mess they have caused, then let there be the wrath of God and the anger of the people come upon their heads. The people have the right to anger and resentment after all the heinous activities indulged in by the people under discussion.

I will suggest that any volunteer from Kumawu prints off copies and mails one each to the mentioned persons namely, the queen, Kontihene, Sanaahene and Samaahene via Kumawu Palace, P.O Box 1, Kumawu-Ash. Ghana . By this, they cannot deny being aware of God's plans about the throne.

Finally, about two years ago, a Ghanaian resident abroad told me about how one Abdulai, resident in Kumawu, showed him a sample of crocodile bile in a tiny bottle and demonstrated to him how it is used to kill people especially, "Aborokyirefo3". He told him, "I have watched your movements ever since you returned home on holiday and you are found to be calm, respectful and kind towards people without showing off as other "burgers" do. He then asked him to accompany him to his room where he retrieved from under his bed and said, "Look, this is what we use to kill you people returning from abroad who are found to be boastful and disrespectful. When you invite us to the pub/bar, prior to living home, we dip the tip of the left thumb in the bile. At the bar when serving the beer with the glass tipped a bit and the sparkling foam from the beer catching the thump as per how beer is served back home, the bile washes into your drink. When you drink it, within three hours or less, you will begin to have stomach upset and come what may, you will die the same day. He then advised the burger to continue in his approved mannerism. This shocking crocodile bile story was similarly confirmed by a guy who had worked at a chief's palace. A chief was noted for killing his opponents by the resort to juju. This guy who had worked with him confessed and confirmed that it was not juju but poison that he used to kill others. He employed his enemy's closest friend to kill him/her using the method as descrbed by Abdulai or getting it on the rim of your glass.

Now as people are getting to know their trick, they now mix the bile in Shea butter and palm kernel oil. They rub a bit of the butter in their palm. When they see you and shake your hands, the poison is transferred to your palm. These same people after a few minutes will propose to you thus, "You burgers are known to like banana, or peanuts (groundnuts) or kebab (kyinkyinka)" depending on which of these foods is in the immediate vicinity. He/she will then offer to buy you some. Once the groundnuts are poured into your infected palm, they get contaminated by the poison from the bile. Should it be kebab or whatever, they get infected equally. When you eat them, you have signed your death warrant and come what may, you will die the same day. They use poisoned kola nuts as well. I shall write about this in detail in any future article if need be. You should stay away from eating anything when outside with friends of dubious or not, character. Wash your hands with soap before eating anything when you do greet people touching their palm or hands. When a friend invites you out to a beer bar, change the venue at the eleventh hour. If you have been invited to say, City Hotel in Kumasi , on your way there, find excuse to take the person to say, Star Nite Club. Don't fall victim to their pre-arranged fatal evil machinations.

I will ensure people are protected from dubious plans to get them killed by greedy and envious persons as much as I can especially in the cases of chieftaincy disputes as it is now with Kumawuman. Eat from your own home. Never trust outsiders or friends except yourself when in disputation of some sort with others.

May the Merciful God the Father Almighty be with you all. The war will be exacerbated should the queen not heed God's admonition as revealed in this article. I conclude by issuing an ultimatum. The queen, Kontihene, Sanaahene and Samaahene are given until the midnight of 29 February 2008 to comply or face the fury of God and the people. Should the queen think she can drag the case on, resorting to her unyielding stance as it is now, is a fallacy, I must confess. She will soon live to regret when she let go the offered opportunity.

Source: John Fosu, USA
Email: j.fosu@hotmail.com