Opinions of Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Columnist: Fosu, John

Kumawuman Citizens are though sitting on Gold

they are Poor due to attitudinal nonchalance.

"Cowards die many times before their death" "Quitters never win and winners never quit" "When the going gets tough, the tough get going" This is the initial strong message John Fosu from the very inception of his war to liberate Kumawuman from total rot has been sending across the world. It takes a dedicated, intelligent, selfless, innovative and farsighted person like John Fosu to identify with the suffering of the poor masses of a place he merely sojourned as a student. Nevertheless, do not forget, he is able to execute his task with precision because the Hand of God is upon him. He is an appointed vessel of God to sensitise the citizens of Kumawuman to arise to fight for their rights. For how long will they continue to deprive themselves of basic essential developments owing to having selfish myopic leaders at the helm of their local (traditional) affairs?

He who scuffles with the messenger is a darn fool, so the wise man says. Do you not usually hear the saying, "Don't kill the messenger?" Some people think they owe special allegiance to Kumawuhemaa and her family so they are obliged to throw their weight behind them regardless. John Fosu will advise such pathetic souls differently no matter how unflinching their support for the Ankaase family is. They need to be educated to extricate their minds of such irrational and nation/community-wrecking bigotry.

The time has come for the overthrow of not only dictatorial governments, but also authoritarian traditional rulers of whom Kumawuhemaa protrudes conspicuously. God has set before Kumawuman citizens the choice of prosperity and that of stagnation in the obvious ongoing rot under the current Kumawuhemaa and her Ankaase royals.

I can never understand how greed has consumed Kumawuhemaa and her family to make them act such irresponsibly since the demise of Barimah Asumadu Sakyi II four years ago. She has determined, greasing the palms of some equally irresponsible Amanhene to ensure she enstools another ineligible royal whom she can manipulate. She always listens to the dictates of her heart but not the head hence the disgrace that continues to envelope her. Wisdom has evaded this woman same as urine is anathema to, or, has evaded the fowl. Why does she feel not only her Ankaase family members, but also her personal choice of an Ankaase royal has to succeed the late Barimah Asumadu Sakyi II of the position of paramount chief of Kumawuman?

How painful it is for a fool to call another person a fool. Kumawuman citizens, John Fosu cannot take you any further in his charged duty to open up your minds to understand, open your ears to hear, and open your eyes to see than what he has done so far. Through him, God has revealed to you many previously hidden stories about your Kumawuman royalty. It is up to you to act in line with logical reasoning. It is your choice to continue to defecate in your backyards with the retention of Kumawuhemaa or live in prosperity with a fair share of the national cake by electing to have the God's own appointed redeemer from the Anananagya/Odumase royal family to ascend the Kumawu Koduah Stool.

I will be going to Toronto, Canada on Sunday, 29th June 2011 to give a talk on the theme "The requirements of Ghanaian overseas settlers in relation to raising health and development awareness in their home communities" to the Kumawuman Association. This is a special invitation to me by a member of the Association who is liaising with others to impress upon their Chairman, Mr. Kwasi Sarfo the need to have John Fosu appear in their meeting to deliver such electrifying talk. Make it a date to see John Fosu, the fearless Ghanaian who sends cold chill down the spine of Kumawuhemaa to get her scuttling for cover. Not all those that will attend the meeting will go home with their same nonchalant and callous attitude towards the suffering of the members of their home communities. Come in your numbers. Pass the information on by word of mouth. Why should a place like Kumawuman with abundant natural resources suffer? The people are in the midst of plenty yet are worse poor than the proverbial church mouse. Kumawuhemaa and the Krontihene are gulping down the wealth of Kumawuman in a rush as though tomorrow never comes to the detriment of all else. The day of reckoning is within sight and Kumawuman citizens will hold them firmly accountable. That day of reckoning is at the meeting slated for the last Sunday of June 2011 in Toronto.

You citizens of Kumawuman must liberate Kumawuman from the poisonous tentacles of Kumawuhemaa and her questionable family members in spite of any known or unknown obstacles. I do not hate any of them as a person but I detest their greediness, shortsightedness and possessiveness. In the course of executing my God-ordained assignment, surely some people's feelings will be scarred, wounded or hurt. They should not blame me but themselves. Once they learn to understand the evils of greediness and run away from it, God will restore them to their level of fame and glory. Until then, and blinded by illogical possessiveness, God will continue cracking the cane on their bare back.

On the day, that the news goes round that the "God's Chosen One" from Ananangya/Odumase has been enstooled, John Fosu requests of you prayerful thanksgiving to God Almighty. This should be my only reward for being of service to you and your community through my revealing write-ups. Amen

Aluta Continua

John Fosu
